What we have to watch out for is the chance a deranged, fluid-obsessed Army general like Jack D. Ripper will decide to start a war and unknowingly trigger a Russian doomsday machine.
When we start the web application with MVN jetty: run-war command, we can see in the server logs that a new bean has been found and instantiated - see Listing 22.
当我们执行mvnjetty:run - war命令启动Web应用时,可以看到服务器日志里记录了新的Bean被发现、并被实例化——见清单22。
Flash looks like a technology that had its day but is really waning, and HTML5 looks like the technology that is really on the ascendency right now... We didn't start off to have a war with Flash.
I think we need to re-start the dormitory inspection system; otherwise the men's dorms will continue to look like a war zone.
We are being presented as the aggressors in wanting to start a war with WDC.
Therefore, even as defending our own benefits, we should start a war against those shameless greedies!
Therefore, even as defending our own benefits, we should start a war against those shameless greedies!