An upgraded version of the Risat-1 weather satellite, Risat-2 is dedicated to military use.
作为Risat - 1气象卫星的升级版,Risat—2专用于军事目的。
GOES-O is the latest weather satellite developed by NASA to aid the nation's meteorologists and climate scientists.
O是NASA 发射的最新的气象卫星,用来帮助国家的气象和气候学家。 它的缩写代表了“地球同步环境卫星”。
A case study is processed to identify the fog using GMS 5 weather satellite IR images and get satisfied fog information.
There has been much speculation about seeming volcanic plumes showing up on weather satellite images of California and Nevada, yet people on the ground declare that volcanic ash is not rising.
Compared with the infrared data of weather satellite, there are several advantages in NCEP data, for example time-spatial is successive, criteria are same and the cloudy blocking is eliminated.
The essentiality and science value of studying on Atmospheric Sounding Interferometer were put forward that is one of most important infrared remote sensing payload on numerical weather satellite.
The web site provides regional weather reports, a shipping forecast and gale warnings. In addition, visitors can download satellite images of the U.S.
Nearly five hundred weather stations in sixty countries receive satellite pictures.
Perhaps 900 or so of the weather-satellite fragments are big enough to damage any satellite that hits them.
Brazil has sophisticated satellite technology, able to pinpoint forest fires and tree-cutting and to predict the weather.
To predict agricultural production, firms are studying ways to use satellite, weather and soil data throughout China.
If the simulation can plug directly into a satellite database for real-time ocean weather tracking, it might even help future tugboat pilots safely steer with an iceberg in tow.
The rocket carrying the satellite lifted off from Tanegashima Space Center in southern Japan early Friday afternoon, following a one-day weather delay.
Theoretical explanation or no, the new finding may soon afford airlines, satellite operators and other watchers of space weather advance warning of impending solar activity.
Yet satellite coverage doesn't always allow for good snapshots; nor does the weather, which can put clouds in the way.
The onboard weather fax that would have delivered regular updates and satellite images of the worsening conditions was down.
The effects of this weather dichotomy are clearly visible in satellite imagery released this week at the NASA Earth Observatory.
Satellite photos from a French weather bureau will be used to determine how much money subscribers should receive.
Weather models and other satellite data reveal that this towering cloud formed over fires in western Russia on July 30, then drifted northward.
Once the satellite reached its orbit about four hours and 20 minutes after launch, GOES-P became GOES-15, one of the fleet of satellites necessary to predict weather in North America.
在发射后大约4小时20分钟,GOES - P将到达其预定轨道,成为GOES - 15号卫星,北美气候预报卫星系统的一员。
Scientists and disaster responders in the Gulf are combining photo-like satellite images and aircraft and shipboard observations with weather and ocean current models to predict the spread of oil.
The guys in the support teams are also constantly checking satellite images and weather patterns to try and keep us warned about any impending dangers.
The analysis, conducted by the Goddard Institute for Space Studies (GISS) in New York City, is based on temperatures recorded at weather stations around the world and satellite data over the oceans.
In the research field, the way people use computers and a large number of complex data processing operations, such as satellite flight path, weather forecast data processing.
An iPhone app called Bullet Flight enables snipers to calculate range and trajectory for their shots, and built-in satellite-positioning allows local weather conditions to be taken into account.
An iPhone app called Bullet Flight enables snipers to calculate range and trajectory for their shots, and built-in satellite-positioning allows local weather conditions to be taken into account.