What drives your interest in Web accessibility?
What drives your interest in Web accessibility?
How long have you been involved in Web accessibility?
When considering such techniques, be sure you think of Web accessibility.
IBM's Web Accessibility checklist includes sixteen checkpoints to follow.
IBM的Web可访问性检查表(Web Accessibility checklist)包括十六个要遵循的检查点。
What types of Web accessibility information do you look for on the Internet?
What types of Web accessibility information do you look for on the Inte. Net?
May not need to ask What Web sites do you use to learn about Web accessibility?
If you were to envision your ideal Web accessibility Web site, what sorts of information would it contain?
Do you ever research issues related to Web accessibility for people with disabilities? (If no: skip to 11).
Web Content Accessibility Guidelines, prepared by the World Wide Web Consortium (W3C) provide some standards for web accessibility.
This era of web layouts paid little attention to semantics and web accessibility, often opting for aesthetics over good markup structure.
To address these problems, we have started several activities that aim at exploiting the potential of open-source software for Web accessibility.
In this paper, the conception of accessibility, the significance of studying web accessibility for the handicapped, especially for the impaired were provided.
If you were to envision your ideal Web accessibility Web site, what sorts of information would it contain? What would it look and act like? How would it be organized?
Based on the brief description of Web accessibility and Website accessibility design, this paper discusses how to reduce the digital divide from the perspective of Web accessibility.
The Web accessibility checklist may seem daunting at first, but fortunately most portlets do not use things like animation, graphs, or frames, so you can quickly tick off most of the checklist items.
In many ways, these issues are similar to accessibility issues on a Web site, so you may be able to use similar solutions.
"Adding" accessibility to a Web application after development costs around ten times more than building it in from the beginning.
By using the principle of progressive enhancement, you can guarantee that such advanced UI features don't hamper your site's accessibility and adherence to Web standards.
通过应用渐进增强(progressive enhancement)这一理念,能够保证这些增强的UI特性不会损害站点的可访问性,并且严格遵守Web标准。
They cover an incredible variety of topics, and take great advantage of the immediacy and accessibility of the Web.
The purpose of the accessibility guidelines is to ensure people with disabilities can use Web pages.
Instead, we'll focus on the major areas of styling used to meet the accessibility requirements of the IBC Web site.
If you are developing an application where accessibility is a key concern, the Web UI must be implemented with caution. Some questions you may need to consider are.
Testing accessibility for Web content is a matter of following a process, which make the work more efficient.
Solve common accessibility Issues in dynamic Web contents using wai-aria.
使用WAI - ARIA解决动态web内容中的常见可访问性问题。
Summary: As Web 2.0 grows in popularity, accessibility for Web 2.0 applications places more demands on developers.
简介:随着Web 2.0的日渐普及,Web 2.0应用程序的可访问性对开发者提出了越来越高的要求。
To settle, Target paid a lot of money and agreed to intensive and expensive accessibility training for their web developers.
Use best practices of accessibility to develop accessible web content.
Use best practices of accessibility to develop accessible web content.