Or in business, Jack Welch versus Bill Marion totally different kinds of people, but great leaders, every one of them.
TEN years ago Warren Buffett and Jack Welch were among the most admired businessmen in the world.
Jack Welch, Lou Gerstner and Anne Mulcahy are fascinating because they transformed their companies by putting a culture of growth and teamwork in its place.
Microsoft's Bill Gates, IBM's Louis Gerstner and General Electric's Jack Welch may fit into that category.
The “I love Jack” premium baked into the share price under Mr Immelt's celebrated predecessor, Jack Welch, has long gone.
Konosuke Matsushita, Jack Welch, once worshipped as idoles are now no fashion, replaced by Buffett, Soros, Li Ka Shing.
But frank is so important that Jack Welch talked about it with a full chapter in his book, Winning, just after the first chapter, mission and values.
但是坦白太重要了,以至于在他的书Jack Welch“胜利之声”用了一章来讲,也就是第一章,使命与价值之后。
Jack Welch boosted General Electric's market capitalisation by 4, 500% at a time when its old rival, Westinghouse, was disintegrating.
当通用电器的老对手Westinghouse正在瓦解时,Jack Welch一次性地提高了通用电器4500%的市场资本。
Jack Welch and A.G. Lafley, former bosses of GE and P&G, claimed that they spent 40% of their time on personnel.
Jack Welch boosted General Electric's market capitalisation by 4,500% at a time when its old rival, Westinghouse, was disintegrating.
当通用电器的老对手Westinghouse正在瓦解时,Jack Welch一次性地提高了通用电器4500%的市场资本。
When General Electric's legendary boss, Jack Welch, first joined the firm, he worked in an office on Plastics Avenue.
当通用电气传奇领导人杰克·韦尔奇(Jack Welch)加入公司时,他就首先是塑料业务部工作。
The 'Jack Welch Taught me Everything I Know About Humility' Award to GE CEO Jeff immelt.
“杰克·韦尔奇教我要谦虚”奖:通用电气(GE)首席执行长伊梅尔特(Jeff Immelt)。
Jack Welch tried to transform General Electric from a Goliath into a collection of entrepreneurial Davids.
Jack Welch努力使通用电气从一个哥利亚巨人转变成为一群具备创业精神的大卫的组合。
Less well understood however is how Jack Welch is able to wield so much influence and power over the most far-flung complex organization in all of American business.
Jack Welch, former CEO of General Electric, is a strong advocate of the forced ranking system.
Jack Welch, much admired for his achievements as chairman of General Electric, was later derided for his retirement perks.
He thinks Mr Liu is more like General Electric's former boss, Jack Welch.
The extraverted leaders were given examples of famous leaders who were bold, talkative and assertive, such as Martin Luther King, Jr. and Jack Welch.
Looking back at the Jack Welch quote, can you now see the clear connection between Engagement, Customer Satisfaction and Cash Flow?
Jack Welch hates budgets. He feels they should never have been invented: "the budget is the bane of Corporate America," he says.
Earlier this week, we discussed Jack Welch "s views on work-life balance."
本周早些时候,我们讨论了韦尔奇(Jack Welch)关于工作与生活平衡的观点。
When Jack Welch took over as CEO at General Electric in 1981, he asked Drucker to tell him the single most important thing he could do to improve the company.
I worked for a guy named Jack Welch for twenty years at GE.
Welch, Jack. "Four E's (a Jolly Good Fellow). " The Wall Street Journal, Friday, January 23, 2004.
四个E (一个有趣的好同伴〉,华尔街日报,一月23日星期五, 2004。
They(employees) have to feel the rewards that go with winning——in the soul as well as in the wallet. (Jack Welch).
Chief Executive Jack Welch has some blunt words for women climbing the corporate ladder: you may have to choose between taking time off to raise children and reaching the corner office.
前首席执行长杰克·韦尔奇(Jack Welch)对那些在职场上为升迁而打拼的女性提出了一些直言不讳的忠告:你可能不得不在暂时停止工作在家带孩子和进军高管行列之间作出选择。
Chief Executive Jack Welch has some blunt words for women climbing the corporate ladder: you may have to choose between taking time off to raise children and reaching the corner office.
前首席执行长杰克·韦尔奇(Jack Welch)对那些在职场上为升迁而打拼的女性提出了一些直言不讳的忠告:你可能不得不在暂时停止工作在家带孩子和进军高管行列之间作出选择。