A well-judged "Epilogue" reminds the reader of the critics, but comes down squarely on the great man's side.
The appeal of the Duchess of Cambridge, a photogenic pin-up with a well-judged penchant for British designers.
A well-judged budgetary stimulus would help fill the shortfall in demand while debt-laden firms and consumers get their finances in order.
It supplies the account formulas and partial circuits parameters of the threshold value for adjusting and setting-up logic level. It makes logical level boundary clear and well-judged.
"The first thing people are usually judged on is their ability to perform well on a consistent basis."
In an actual test, your response would be judged on the quality of your writing and on how well your response presents the points in the lecture and their relationship to the reading passage.
Well, standard languages and technologies designed and judged based on trying to learn the lessons of the past.
Strict hierarchies exist in each of the translation groups, with translators being promoted not simply for speed, which is vital, but judged on their faithfulness to the original material as well.
Judged against its own past, Brazil is doing astonishingly well.
His wife, Anne Sinclair, a popular and well-known French television journalist, stood by him. The Fund's decision then to keep him on now looks timid and ill-judged.
PI: I've judged several European, Four Continents, and World Championships, as well as many junior and senior Grand Prix events.
Some of the observations are well judged, if familiar: the sensuality of preparing and sharing food, or tasting fine wine;
Thus, in Africa, both Senegal and Uganda are judged to have well-run utilities, but Senegal’s is private-sector whereas Uganda’s is public.
Stuff's Editor Fraser Macdonald said the nominated products were judged on their performance, design and value, as well as "that elusive cool factor".
The positive social effects of bookstores as well as their contribution to society can never be taken for granted and be judged by their economic returns and business earnings.
Tackles needed to be increasingly well judged.
The actor controlled his body language well, so that about half the viewers judged whether lie was ling on his body language alone.
Some of Mr Gopnik's insights are particularly well judged.
If they are judged on that experience as well as their biological fitness, it makes them even more attractive.
Why aren't they judged by how well they teach, and at what price?
The global Chinese literature judged as a whole, this comes as a key academic issue which concerns the nature of the entire overseas Chinese literature as well as its aesthetic evaluation.
Equivalence is an important objective for a translator to achieve and a criterion by which the quality of translation is judged as well.
The contestants from across Europe were judged on their hand waving, bowing and curtsying skills as well as their looks.
Various exciting modes of ERT system are introduced and compared in characteristics, and the performance of each mode is mostly judged by the sensitivity as well as the divergence of sensing field.
Wholly considering the positive economic data, it can be judged present situation of global economy is well.
The ability of doctor's attentive duties not should be judged by the medical standard theory as well as time, place and special factors.
The ability of doctor's attentive duties not should be judged by the medical standard theory as well as time, place and special factors.