There used to be transport problems, now though there are new train links and better roads, but it may be that some smaller towns inland remain not very well connected, is that OK?
Ideas expressed may not be well connected or cohesive so that familiarity with the stimulus is necessary in order to follow what is being discussed.
Typically, ideas expressed may not be well connected or cohesive so that familiarity with the stimulus is necessary in order to follow what is being discussed.
Look for introverts that, for whatever reason, are in jobs that force them to be well connected.
As a board member at both Citigroup, a big American bank, and Alcoa, an American aluminium firm, he is well connected.
Many Afghan warlords have transformed themselves into businessmen, and many of them are well connected in the political world.
However, others claim we are not as well connected as we think, and that a few quality friendships are more important that a host of loose links.
The ideal coordinator is an experienced organizer, is detail-oriented, works well with different kinds of people, and is well connected to many sectors of the community.
Mr. Guber and Mr. Peters aren't universally loved in Hollywood but they are well-connected.
They are well-connected with the education-reform mafia.
While Kearns warns that the setting was artificial, he says it's possible that greater persuasive power could lie with well-connected individuals in the everyday online world too.
In the Reagan era, well-connected Republicans received favoured treatment in this organization.
Salerio is a well-connected merchant of Venice.
But to do that they need to extend their net beyond the children of the well-connected, whom they can find without any trouble.
Recession is squeezing out smaller and less well-connected firms. But there are other reasons too, which are giving big companies a self-confidence they have not displayed for decades.
Such positions usually go to the friends and family members of well-connected bankers.
Rich, well-connected bankers have a limited call on sympathy at the best of times.
But in past purges, the planning commission has struggled to impose its will, thanks to well-connected factory bosses and militant workers.
What's better is to have a handful of "superstars" on a project who are well-connected and in the center of the information flow.
This, he says, could have been prevented if a well-connected business lobby had not illegally pushed the ship back into service when it still needed vital repairs.
For large infrastructure projects, Shenyang has also benefited from the ability of its savvy and well-connected leaders to make their case in Beijing.
Rather than isolating people, the use of social media and other online technologies increases how well-connected people feel to each other and to the causes they love.
Well-connected representations let you turn ideas around in your mind, to envision things from many perspectives until you find one that works for you.
Think about how you can leverage your technological, well-connected selves to bring new skills to the marketplace.
A well-connected charitable foundation, with branches in London, New York and Geneva, has assessed the library's condition and drawn up a plan for its long-term conservation.
But when it transpired that a well-connected lobbyist had been able, in effect, to appoint senior judges, few of those named had to resign and no investigation ensued.
HIS father, a well-connected doctor in the east German town of Halle, had wanted young Georg Friedrich to become a lawyer.
Naughty: You call in favors at the eleventh hour, stressing out vendors and well-connected friends who are very busy during the holidays.
Naughty: You call in favors at the eleventh hour, stressing out vendors and well-connected friends who are very busy during the holidays.