When we aim to build applications that support these business processes, it becomes clear that the typical "call-and-return" style of service programming doesn't work very well.
This means being able to communicate with fellow team-members at work as well as with customers to provide the best service possible.
Furthermore, because one coarse grained service may work well in a particular environment does not necessarily mean it's best suited elsewhere.
I knew I would never be a rocket scientist, but I love driving cars, being of service, and feeling like I have done a full day's work, and done it well.
I've been using the service since late last week and have found it to work very well.
Is there a tool or action you think might work well in the future that you'd like to test next time (e.g. a geo-location service like Foursquare?)
有没有什么工具或者行动你认为在未来可以并且会加以应用以使工作变得更好?(比如像是Fours quare那样的地理环境服务?)
This article assumes that a Web application or service must work across all versions of the XML schema and that the query must return the correct results across all versions as well.
If a service provider is tested and shown to work correctly, does the consumer need to retest it as well?
The business model that had worked so well for the DVD-by-mail service did not work well to deliver online streaming bundled with the mail service.
The service interface shown in Listing 3 is likely to work well when it is invoked locally.
He gave him instructions for the divisions of the priests and Levites, and for all the work of serving in the temple of the Lord, as well as for all the articles to be used in its service.
The output from a tool of this type will probably work well with the web service stack supplying the tool, but it may not be in best-practices form or even completely correct.
这类工具的输出结果与提供这个工具的web services栈能够很好地配合,但是它可能并非最佳实践方法,甚至可能不完全正确。
Work well with internal manufacturing, laboratory, sales, and customer service peers to build value and add opportunities within the business.
I knew l would never be a rocket scientist, but l love driving cars, being of service and feeling like l have done a full day's work and done it well. l evaluated my personal assets and…wham!
Bibliography information service is one of the most important parts of library information work as well as one of the most important means of serving reader work.
I knew I would never be a rocket scientist, but I love driving cars, being of service and feeling like I have done a full day's work and done it well.
The author introduces the work which the NLM and NCLIS have done for improving the consumer health information service in America, as well as successful examples of the health information service.
I knew I would never be a rocket scientist, but I love driving cars, being of service and feeling like I have done a full day's work and done it well.
Besides, this amazing blogging service is designed to work on a mobile phone as well as on a computer.
I love my job, because I get on well with colleagues, my superior is an excellence leader, I glad to give service to him, meanwhile, I can be progressing in my work.
Manager in the allocation of very careful work, the work should be allocated to the high quality of service as well as cost savings or group of employees.
With our excellent quality awareness, service awareness, conscientious work attitude make us well received by our customers.
In the aspects of selling the service, advertise the coordination work that the activity requests to make to like to circulate the link, work well the after-sales service;
Where the owners' congress has selected a new realty management enterprise upon termination of the realty service contract, the realty management enterprises shall well handle the handover work.
Work well with internal manufacturing, marketing, and customer service peers to maximize internal work efficiency.
A well-behaved adapter service will work with other adapter services higher in the object hierarchy, if any, and with the AdapterRegistry.
Results the work of the pharmacy intravenous admixture service enhances the communication among doctors, pharmacists and nurses, as well as improve the level of reasonable clinical medication.
Results the work of the pharmacy intravenous admixture service enhances the communication among doctors, pharmacists and nurses, as well as improve the level of reasonable clinical medication.