PurposeTo determine and evaluate reasonable well spacing for steam soaking development.
Rational fracturing scale of artificial fracturing shall be controlled within the half of well spacing.
Determining reasonable development well spacing is the key in identifying the boundary of proved reserves.
The reasonable production and well spacing for the gas reservoir development were determined and optimized .
The results will provide important guidance for such reservoirs in later adjustment and well spacing strategy.
The designer should analyze many field development variants with different well spacing during limited time interval.
It shows that the communication degree of various patterns of reservoirs has certain relation among reservoir pattern and well spacing.
Reducing well spacing can economize project cost, but it will cause group pile effect and bring on the phenomenon of repelling hammering.
Based on low productivity and injectivity of a well for low permeability reservoirs, close well pattern and well spacing must be performed.
The rational well spacing under certain perforating level and the rational open thickness under certain well density can be determined by this equation.
Correlation of the produced fluid profiles before and after shows that there were more high water cut layers and much influence by well spacing after infilling.
This method can be used for conventional heavy oil reservoir to calculate ultimate drainage radius and reasonable well spacing through starting pressure gradient.
The later includes well spacing, injection mode (gas injection or gas alternating water injection), solvent cumulative injection amount and the alternating frequency, etc.
Characterization technique of microstructure is discussed based on the microstructure study of the dense well spacing area and under-exploited area with wide-spaced Wells.
To make the development effect better, we reduce well spacing to develop the precursor experiment, infill well network appropriately, build effective producing pressure drop.
Some cases prove that this method is very simple, practical. It can provide basic for rational well spacing and is of great significance for developing ultra-low permeability reserve.
The corresponding reasonable production and well spacing density to the three kinds of reservoir were calculated by using the method of economic limit evaluation and numerical simulation.
This paper considers every factor affecting the well spacing density, uses net present value to improve the method for calculating economy rational well spacing density of matured oilfield.
本文提出经济采收率的概念 ,并以油田投入与经济极限井网密度关系及谢尔卡乔夫公式为基础 ,根据经济学投入产出均衡原理 ,建立了具有实际应用价值的经济采收率模型。
There exists the optimal value of space between side laterals, which is similar to the existence of the optimal well pattern and pattern well spacing in vertical well section production mode.
Unless you know how to make the spacing and graphics work well together, please don't edit it.Go to Rent a Coder and hire someone with knowledge to do it for a few dollars.
Unless you know how to make the spacing and graphics work well together, please don't edit it. Go to Rent a Coder and hire someone with knowledge to do it for a few dollars.
Once you have a nice spacing and all the letters are well positioned, select all objects again and go to.
However, the pixel density of the film can be straightforwardly reduced by fabricating smaller array spacing and a smaller antenna size, as well as using a more tightly focusing lens for recording.
A numerical simulation was conducted to optimize the well placement, well patterns and spacing, horizontal interval length, timing of switching to SAGD and operating parameters.
Finally, it is proposed that the trap analysis is the basis of studying reservoir formation and it should be listed at the key technique in well-spacing for raising exploration well success ratio.
The axial load and centralizer spacing from the bottom to the top are calculated by using the mechanical analysis method and the well trajectory data.
Mothers benefit, as well. Breastfeeding lowers the risk of some cancers, naturally promotes spacing between pregnancies, and it costs less, too.
The results show that the surface spacing decreases with the increasing of aggregate fineness as well as with the increasing of aggregate volume fraction.
The results show that the surface spacing decreases with the increasing of aggregate fineness as well as with the increasing of aggregate volume fraction.