The corresponding reasonable production and well spacing density to the three kinds of reservoir were calculated by using the method of economic limit evaluation and numerical simulation.
This paper considers every factor affecting the well spacing density, uses net present value to improve the method for calculating economy rational well spacing density of matured oilfield.
本文提出经济采收率的概念 ,并以油田投入与经济极限井网密度关系及谢尔卡乔夫公式为基础 ,根据经济学投入产出均衡原理 ,建立了具有实际应用价值的经济采收率模型。
However, the pixel density of the film can be straightforwardly reduced by fabricating smaller array spacing and a smaller antenna size, as well as using a more tightly focusing lens for recording.
The rational well spacing under certain perforating level and the rational open thickness under certain well density can be determined by this equation.
The rational well spacing under certain perforating level and the rational open thickness under certain well density can be determined by this equation.