Some days later, Gongsun Long and his followers went on a trip.
The parents of two boys (14 and 16 year-olds) went on a trip for the weekend with friends.
I recently went on a trip to South Africa and was pleasantly surprised to receive so many compliments on my looks.
Africa, the Czech Republic and Georgia. One weekend we went on a trip to Orlando where we visited Disney World and Sea World. We.
My mother said you went on a Silk Road trip last year.
On this trip, I went native, stayed in the shade, and returned home delighted not to have gained a single freckle.
We went on a camping trip once in Italy and my wife spent the whole time worrying about bats getting into her hair.
We went on a campaign trip once in Italy, and my wife spent the whole time worrying about bats getting into her hair.
My children once went on a school trip to Apsley House, the Duke of Wellington's home.
"I went on a cycling trip around Copenhagen with a friend visiting from London recently, and she was terrified by the mass of cyclists and the aggressive way they behaved," said Hadju.
But on this trip, I went native, stayed in the shade and returned home delighted not to have gained a single freckle.
During my first year in Japan I took a hitchhiking trip and went to numerous fishing villages on the west coast of Japan.
On one trip, he went to an exhibition of glass sculptures with his wife, Sylvia, his son and a granddaughter.
A year ago my husband and I went on a road trip to Florida. We stopped at st Augustine to look at the remains of the Castillo DE San Marcos fortress.
It surfaced publicly when he went on a Senate fact-finding trip to Alaska the following spring.
Shortly after her father remarried, he went on a business trip and died in a carriage accident.
It went through him like a missile, but he never lost consciousness on the long trip to the village doctor.
One time, my mom took my brother’s laptop with her on a trip she went on with my grandma.
It was not until a year later when Mr Kobylinski went for a beer with medical entomologist Andrew Haddow from the University of Texas while on another trip to Senegal that they had a breakthrough.
On a recent trip to New York, a woman named Ling, who didn't want her full name used, went bargain hunting for a Gucci bag on Fifth Avenue.
Last Monday our class went on an organized trip to a forest to study the wildlife. We travelled by bus. It took us two and a half hours to get to the forest.
To general indignation, a sign went up on all common room notice boards that the next trip into Hogsmeade had been canceled. Ron was furious.
Well, I only had three days left so I went on a bus trip to Salamanca.
I went on a cycling trip around Copenhagen with a friend visiting from London recently, and she was terrified by the mass of cyclists and the aggressive way they behaved, "said Hadju."
We went for a day's trip to Calais and it was the first time we'd set foot on foreign soil.
We went for a day's trip to Calais and it was the first time we'd set foot on foreign soil.