Clothing is so yesterday. I mean, really, what can it do? It can't pick up sound, or beep at us if something's wrong.
What can it do to get out of it? At this stage, there is no lightning-bolt solution, but two things would prevent matters from getting worse.
This brings the next problem, China isn't happy about the printing press activity, but what can it do with the trillions of USD assets it controls.
It starts with information on what the user can do if he or she feels you have violated this privacy policy.
Firstly, you have to think about what can I do to respect the building and how can I bring it back to life?
Referring to a line from Jurassic Park, he adds: "People are too busy thinking about what they can do to think about whether they should do it."
Given that predators can make it costly to beg for food, what benefit do begging nestlings derive from their communications?
One of them put it like this: "You know, Bob, you can just buy so much stuff, and when you get to the point where you can just buy so much stuff, now what are you going to do?"
It sounds arrogant, but it is the truth: I do not feel I have given out even part of what I can give out.
The number of devices you can talk to is multiplying—first it was your phone, then your car, and now you can tell your kitchen appliance what to do.
It sounds like you could do with an assistant but that's obviously not possible, so what about having an online system that students can use to do their scheduling?
Learn how waste in our oceans harms sea life and what you can do about it.
"Don't mind what they say. Let them see that you can do it," said Mrs. Bell.
Ask the other person, "What can I do to help you?" and be glad to do it.
That means to tell the other person how you're feeling, why you feel that way, and what he or she can please do to make it better.
We asked many people what we should do to turn this sandbox into a space, then plants can grow in it.
No matter what you do, you can only succeed if you love what you're doing and pay enough attention to it.
If you can start the conversation with a question other than "What do you do for a living?", you'll be able to get a lot more interesting conversation out of whomever it is you're talking to.
But once you've collected all that coverage data, what can you do with it?
When the application is started, you can test your service to see what you can do with it.
Ultimately, it is the responsibility of managers within these organizations to better understand what MDD actually is, what it can do for them, and how to do it correctly.
He was explaining what happens to mess it up and what you can do about it.
In fact, a class is defined solely by what it can do — the data that it USES to perform those tasks is an irrelevant implementation detail that should be hidden from the rest of the world.
When purchasing land, investors should investigate if it has sewer and water, what type of zoning it has and what you can do with it as well as the location of the property.
Remember that a tool isanything that helps you excel – don’t get hung up on what it is, andfocus on what it can do for you.
请记住,工具是帮助你脱颖而出 的- 不要高高挂起,要注意到它可以为你做什么。
To use your GBean, the kernel must be able to ask it what it can do.
Each partner needs to talk about what they want, why they want it, and what can the do to make it happen.
In addition, thinking about the configuration of your program often forces you to codify what it can do and how the users can influence its actions.
The following is a quick overview of how it works and what you can do with it.
The following is a quick overview of how it works and what you can do with it.