"It made me think about how I'm teaching him to have ownership of his own body and how what is shared today endures into the future," Dunham says.
What bothers me about the death of the wallet is the change it represents in our physical environment.
But if we are speaking about what it means to me, then probably it is my greatest moment.
Even though I have blogged extensively about my travels, there is no one who was along the whole journey with me who can say what it was all about.
Saying that "I can't" do something has a profound effect on my beliefs about what is possible. It can limit my potential or empower me with possibilities.
It made me grumpy because afterward I thought about how eating junk while out is not at all what I want for my life or who I want to be.
It doesn't need me to tell them what it is. The great thing about it is that I feel completely out of control.
Now that the dust has settled a little and we dig in to the trenches it gives me a chance to actually look around what this hullaballoo is all about -- the Guinness World Records 2012 book.
Now if this is the case, it seems to me that one has found a loophole in Gadamer's conservatism about what the reader can do.
You might have heard of this before, it is quoted often, but if you are like me (who just recently learned what it really is about) you never completely grasped its power.
All right. So, with that, what I want to do is I just want to open it up and you guys can ask me questions about anything — and just ignore all these cameras who are here.
What struck me as so beautiful about Kate's dress is it reminded me of Grace Kelly's dress, even though it was different.
It is a shame for me to talk about again that I have been busy as a bee for the whole semester but I do not know what I have learnt finally.
One of the non-sense about this is that you can get what you want by not wanting it. Let me explain.
It’s a famous quote that’s in my book from St. Augustine, where he says something along the lines of, “I know what time is until you ask me for a definition about it, and then I can’t give it to you.”
我的书里有一句圣奥古斯汀(St. Augustine)的名言,他说的大意是这样的,“直到你问我时间的定义,我才知道时间是什么,不过我无法给你答案。”
It depends what you call commitment. For me commitment is not about how long you are at a club.
For short — to answer that question, we need to get clearer about: What exactly is it for something to be me?
This is a letter I've often wanted to write to you, but I wouldn't have even thought about trying it now if it weren't for what my new mother-in-law told me you did at my wedding two months ago.
It is seriously like listening to a 12 year old talk about her day and who said what in gym class, biology and OMG do you think he likes me.
Do you think my school life is very interesting? What about your school life? Can you tell me something about it?
你认为我的学校生活非常有趣么?你的学校生活怎么样?你能高数我有关你的学校生活的事么? ?
I am not complaining about what it is inevitable that I have a feeling cheated, only a matter of telling me the results.
"The way my brain works is that when you give me something, information about that topic comes into my mind. 'I don't know what it is," Tanishq revealed.
"What's different about this course compared with other MBA programmes I looked at is that it allowed me to intern within the industry, so I get to try out what I want to do, " she says.
But there are times that it is literally gibberish to me and I just hope I'm putting my inflection in a place that makes it sound sort of like I know what I'm talking about.
But there are times that it is literally gibberish to me and I just hope I'm putting my inflection in a place that makes it sound sort of like I know what I'm talking about.