Let him figure out, with the help of other children if he wants it, what this word says, what is the answer to that problem, whether this is a good way of saying or doing this or that.
The problem with being a grownup is that there's an awful lot of serious stuff to deal with—work, mortgage payments, figuring out what to cook for dinner.
The problem with being a grown up is that there's an awful lot of serious stuff to deal with—work, mortgage payments, figuring out what to cook for dinner.
Everyone is supposed to do what they can to deal with the problem.
The problem some people have with homework is not that they find it too hard, or that it takes too long, but that they forget what they have to do and for when.
The problem with divine commands as a cure for relativism is that there is no consensus among believers about what God or the gods want us to do.
The problem with this approach is that each country has a different median income, so the definition of what is middle class shifts from place to place.
With the inevitable proliferation issues, we have to also consider the inverse problem, which is, what happens when people consider using drones against us?
What I have a problem with is the timing of these changes, specifically the rolling registration process.
As part of their conversations with Afghan women, the Marines are to ask basic questions, including what is the most difficult problem facing the village.
While safety concerns are at the forefront this week, many observers point out an equally urgent problem is what to do with the radioactive waste produced by nuclear plants.
The big problem with Bolton is not what he has tried to achieve, but his style.
The word “procrastinate” is a heavy one, and I believe that people are trying to solve the problem the wrong way, leaving them with baggage that just won’t seem to go away no matter what they do.
Another problem arises when the end-user is uncertain as to how their added software fits with the rest of their system and what additional security measures need to be taken.
If you don't know what the problem is, you can't solve it, with or without the technology.
This is a handy tool (see Listing 8) if you've got Internet friends who complain about how hot or cold their area is, and you want to quickly figure out what the problem is with their temperature.
The problem with this is, unfortunately, fake and impure honey can be passed off as pure very easily. When viewed on the shelf, it is very hard to pick out what is pure, and what is not.
Part of the problem with unifying gravity and quantum mechanics is what happens to gravity at small scales.
The problem with this type of approach is that the users frequently don't really know what they want and either change their minds or think of something else along the way.
And then let's say there's a big drop in sales. The problem with this is that you don't know what caused the drop.
Annotate the problem query with relevant statistics to better understand what the DB2 optimizer is using for its estimations.
使用相关统计数据来注释有问题的查询,这样可以更好地理解DB 2使用哪些内容来进行评估。
The problem with implementing such a vision is that we quickly run into what we term "the multiple buckets" problem.
The problem with short boxes is that even though you can type out a long query, only a portion of the text will be visible at a time, making it difficult to review or edit what you've typed.
But the big problem with consumer spending is that if you buy a product made outside the U. S., it doesn't encourage domestic investment. And that's what we really need.
The generation gap at work is really wide with vast discrepancies when it comes to what the appropriate use of technology is - a problem that leads to increasing tensions in the workplace.
There are fewer stakeholders to negotiate with, less views of the problem to consider, and therefore it is typically not as difficult to agree on what issues should get resolved.
So what is the world to do with a problem that has long vexed the major powers without a hint of resolution?
He lays out a surprisingly practical plan for what he would do: "at first glance, the whole problem with plundering is one of scale," he says.
He lays out a surprisingly practical plan for what he would do: "at first glance, the whole problem with plundering is one of scale," he says.