And one of you say unto them, Depart in peace, be ye warmed and filled; notwithstanding ye give them not those things which are needful to the body; what doth it profit?
Give portions to seven, yes to eight, for you do not know what disaster may come upon the land.
Please help me to gradually open my hands and to discover that I am not what I own, but what you want to give me. And what you want to give me is love, unconditional, everlasting love.
What we need is to deal with the root of the disease, not to give aspirins.
This means you must decide what qualities are important to you, because you cannot receive what you do not give.
Do not add to what I command you and do not subtract from it, but keep the commands of the LORD your God that I give you.
So we have to think about not just what information we give to people, but how we get them to think about different paths of saving caloric consumption.
For the most part, this introduction will not explain their details, but I would like to give a first brush at what they hope to achieve.
So even if the soul theory is the correct theory of personality, it's not enough to give me what matters.
In fact, to say that the computer is wrong is to give it more credit than it deserves; for right and wrong are not what it does; what it does is count (faster than I or anyone else could) and match.
'What is the good of your mother and me economizing and stinting ourselves to give you a University education, if it is not to be used for the honour and glory of God?
Self-made rich people not only have pots of money to give away but are often in the habit of measuring results: they will fund what works and cut off projects that do not.
What advice could you give to the men out there not blessed with Michael Phelps' torso and George Clooney's face?
Your baby does not, of course, understand much of what is going on, but she realizes the situation is different, is upset, and needs special attention at a time when it is hard for you to give it.
诚然,孩子可能不明白究竟发生了什么,可是他们会感觉到一切都已经不一样了,并为此感到沮丧。 虽然你自己的情绪也很糟糕,可是还是需要给予孩子加倍的关注。
Please help me to gradually open my hands and to discover that I am not what I own, but what you want to give me.
You may give intellectual assent to what God can do but unless you take the first step, you do not have faith.
If your design is all dark and brooding and has a city skyline at sunset in the header, it's not going to give us even the slightest hint about what the site's purpose is.
But even for him, figuring out what to take has become so overwhelming that he now chooses not to give any gifts.
Not knowing what to do, I climbed up to the top of a lofty tree, from whence I looked about on all sides, to see if I could discover anything that could give me hopes.
The key, of course, is to not just give up after failure, but to reset your resolve, to analyze what went wrong and why, and to plan to overcome those obstacles the next time.
When I give too much emphasis to what they want to learn, I end up not performing my most important duty, which is to give them a sound foundation in the subject I'm teaching.
Not only is the answer an unequivocal "yes," but that's also exactly what this book is designed to give you - the insight and understanding you need about yourself and about the nature of trading.
OK, now you know what your friend wants, and it is something which you are not prepared to give.
Well, I was so frightened I did not know what to do, for my uncle was to give me away; and if we were beyond the hour, we could not be married all day.
Remember that living a life of excellence is not difficult – simplydecide right now to give it your best shot – and you will be amazedwith what life gives you back.
请记住,过卓越的生活并不难 -只要现在决定做最大的努力 -你会惊讶于生活回馈给你的。
Remember that living a life of excellence is not difficult – simplydecide right now to give it your best shot – and you will be amazedwith what life gives you back.
请记住,过卓越的生活并不难 -只要现在决定做最大的努力 -你会惊讶于生活回馈给你的。