What would you like to drink, Joe?
What would you like to buy for her? - I'd like to buy her a present.
The volunteer blinked and asked weakly, "What would you like to do?"
What would you like to get from the advertisement of the cosmetics stores?
You can now express you ideas- but what would you like to be able to do next?
You must know what is it you are striving for, what would you like to achieve.
What would you like to see happen more or less of with the SDTConf going forward?
Wife: Hey honey. It's our 5th year anniversary tomorrow, what would you like to do?
What would you like to achieve in the future and what new things would you like to try?
I think it's time you took another does of each. What would you like to drink with them?
Think of it as a blank canvas – what would you like to paint on it. What can you create?
If heaven exists, what would you like to hear God say when you arrive at the Pearly Gates?
Master Huang: I can see there is a poem selection here. What would you like to read to me?
Now, imagine that you were a 7-year-old alien in outer space. What would you like to do now?
What would I like to change? In all of those areas you identified, what would you like to be different?
我想要改变的是什么?在你指出的全部那些范围内,有什么是你想要变得不同的? ?
Sorry, you were sleeping while we served. I didn't want to interrupt you. Now, what would you like to drink?
What would you like to have said about your character, about your contributions, and about your achievements?
Sorry, madam. You were sleeping while we served. I didn't want to interrupt you. What would you like to drink?
Rockyear: So let me think whether we have more questions to ask you. Well, what would you like to know about us?
We received several different answers to the question: what would you like to do after finishing your education?
We have steamed chicken, braised pork and Beijing roast duck and so on. Here's the menu. What would you like to have?
我们这里有炖鸡、红烧扣内、北京烤鸭等。菜单在这儿,来点什么? ?
What would you like to accomplish in your writing, and how do you intend to go about accomplishing your writing goals?
Imagine certain years from now you had a chance to review your life by the end of it, what would you like to tell yourself?
One year from now, what would you like to say about the person whom you hire for this position and what he or she was able to accomplish?
Now think, what would you like to have said, three years from now, about you as a member of an intergenerational extended family, as a friend.
The US Fortune magazine once posed to its readers such a question in a questionnaire: "If you were to choose again, what would you like to be?"
The US Fortune magazine once published such a topic in its question-and-answer column: What would you like to be if you could rechoose your life?
The US Fortune magazine once published such a topic in its question-and-answer column: What would you like to be if you could rechoose your life?