I am almost afraid of asking what you thought of me, when we met at Pemberley.
In your letter, you told me what you thought of my behaviors in no uncertain terms.
This is a recurring thought for me lately, but a powerful one that has resulted in action: Take notice of where your energy is spent and begin to allow yourself to identify what is draining you.
I thought I was doing pretty well until we got to the front of the line. The registrar looked up at me and said, Bill, what are you doing back here?
When Micheline told me what we could provide for a child for such a small amount of money, I thought how could you say "no" and in today's world after 9/11, I am even happier I did it.
When Micheline told me what we could provide for a child for such a small amount of money, I thought how could you say "no" and in today's world after 9/11, I am even happier I did it.