Our car has been reliable, with the exception of the wheel nut problem in Malaysia, and I am very pleased with the performance of our drivers.
A flat tyre 10 miles beyond Mount Barnett Roadhouse, a cross-threaded wheel nut, a dodgy jack handle, a dubious spare and a temperature of 100F (38C) had made for a taxing last couple of hours.
This allows the connection to be made without a wrench, using a nut equipped with a hand wheel.
When a hand wheel is toggled, the nut connecting plate drives the hand piece of the suspended type submerged arc welding machine and a wire reel bracket to move axially.
With the change of forming technique, the steel for internal nut of back wheel has been developed. Discussiof the selection of the steel and the benefit with the result has been showed.
Tightening down on special tool will push wheel stud out of the hub and bearing assembly flangRemove lug nut from stud and remove wheel stud from flange.
Tightening down on special tool will push wheel stud out of the hub and bearing assembly flangRemove lug nut from stud and remove wheel stud from flange.