The ROWE participants were allowed to freely determine when, where and how they worked—the only thing that mattered was that they got the job done.
If you want to determine where and how your team is inefficient, don't deceive yourself.
The internet makes it easier for donors to see where and how their money is being spent.
Most operating systems are very picky about where and how they are placed on the hard disk.
'I can also vary size, position, shape, and where and how my hands appear in the image,' he said.
I don't know exactly where and how the group feature was born, so pardon me if I miscredit it.
Your review list may vary depending on where and how you stow your stuff. But the overall idea is the same.
An emergency room doctor also can provide temporary help and can tell you where and how to get further help.
The private UDDI registry helps the public component keep track of where and how the private process is implemented.
But the answer to such questions requires finding many more creatures and understanding where and how they live.
Benjamin Powers et al, Measuring Blood Pressure for Decision Making and Quality Reporting: Where and How Many Measures?
Benjamin Powers et al., "Measuring Blood Pressure for Decision Making and Quality Reporting: Where and How Many Measures?"
As a result, we have lower rates of recall of the information itself, and enhanced recall of where and how to access it.
I like to believe that I'm really helpless, really in someone else's control, and really can be taken where and how he wants me.
So, your guide reflects each of these process roles with brief explanations to show where and how all of these roles fit together.
Once you take the time to write your goals with precision, you give them form, and you know where and how to focus your energy.
Where and how this newly discovered aquatic community gets enough food to sustain itself in such a dark, icy world remains a mystery.
For example, your organisation could have conventions for where and how you store documentation, completed builds and other artifacts.
This data is then queried by the build process and used to determine where and how the project will migrate through the life cycle.
Clear quality of service specifications, stated from a business perspective, help the architect assess where and how to provide services.
Information on where and how to find birds is what glues the birdwatching community together, but most of it is not in a centralized location.
The US Department of Labor, for example, has information on each law that regulates employment and advice on where and how to file a claim.
Similar technical considerations apply to many different types of products that require designers to choose where and how to implement function.
Organizations often delegate to it the responsibility to chose where and how to operationalize cross LOB policies for consistency and optimization.
Unfortunately the debate about when, where and how best to use the technology for burning the wooded landscape in a controlled fashion has barely begun.
TrackBack is a specification that includes "discovery" (advertising where and how people can send pings) and a ping process using a simple HTTP request.
we just have to be careful where and how we put the turbines,” said Dr. Marra, who studies threats to birds, including from climate change and habitat loss.
The Houston metropolitan area is also noteworthy as being the largest in the United States without formal zoning restrictions on where and how people can build.
The Houston metropolitan area is also noteworthy as being the largest in the United States without formal zoning restrictions on where and how people can build.