Girls are made to follow some rituals in their family which makes no sense to them at all.
The service numbers were usually voice-prompt driven, which makes no sense in an airport, as there are incredible amounts of background noise.
While introduces a description of Clovis points and suggests that this appears incompatible with their appearance all over North America, which makes no sense;
He has no sense of humor which makes us feel like the fish out of water.
So the OCR system which cannot deal with mathematical expressions makes no sense to the digitization of the scientific documents.
To some extent, moral relationship is an economic one, without which any moral judgment makes no sense.
It seems like there's no way to view the screen output of a stopped container (which makes logical sense, since it'd need to be running in order to poll for screen content).
It seems like there's no way to view the screen output of a stopped container (which makes logical sense, since it'd need to be running in order to poll for screen content).