The simulation is not really interested simultaneously in all the customers that will shop during a day, but only in the ones who contend for checkout aisles at the same time.
It's a stigma all people who stutter contend with - the notion that because their words sometimes sputter or fail to come out at all, their minds must be somehow mixed up.
It's no foolproof vaccine, but the researchers who conducted the 2.5-year trial contend it's the first-ever hope of thwarting the spread of HIV and AIDS.
You have to contend with traffic, long airport lines, delayed flights and rude travelers who put all their bags in the bin over your seat.
The couples who choose to be childless contend with tremendous pressures from families and society.
Who dares to contend with him on the courage!
Even the best athletes have to contend with the ineluctable fact that they will grow older and must someday face opponents who are younger, faster, and stronger.
Shall a reprover contend with the Almighty? He who reproves God, let him answer it.
Who dares to contend with the infuriated wind?
Economists, who have already warned of a deflation in the Indian economy, contend lower inflation rate does not necessarily mean that prices have fallen.
This level of work requires a phase of DNA beyond Bodhisattva, and will be what those who push on to 9000 or 12,000 strands in their map carving contend with into the future.
This level of work requires a phase of DNA beyond Bodhisattva, and will be what those who push on to 9000 or 12,000 strands in their map carving contend with into the future.