Operations room automatically controls all the processes in the whole plant.
The leaves can grow up to 9 metres across and a whole plant can span 16 metres.
We can see them from spring to autumn. The whole plant of the Oleander is poisonous.
Potometer an apparatus for measuring the rate of water uptake by a cut shoot or whole plant.
Object To study the chemical constituents of whole plant of Selaginella stauntoniana Spring.
So it is important for the security of the whole plant that condensation and feed-water system run normally.
In their experiment, the scientists showed that light shone on to one leaf caused the whole plant to respond.
AIM To investigate the chemical constituents from the whole plant of the endemic plant Notoseris rhombiformis Shih.
Or, you can cut off the whole plant. Leave about two or three centimeters above the ground so the plant will re-grow.
The whole plant is toxic, especially the young leaves and unripened fruit. The toxicity of ripen fruit is much smaller.
"Plants have many parts," the voice replied. "In fact, the flower itself is just one of many parts of the whole plant."
It typically hits the whole plant at one time, but sometimes it is limited to the foliage attached to a single stem or area.
The design also includes profiles of the fermentation tank, the whole plant layout, plant layout diagram, process flow diagram.
The economic coefficients of varieties with larger seed weight per whole plant absolute value were higher from silking to ripe stage.
The management team gave great applause for the change of model line and the whole plant is enthusiastic about learning the model line.
After being decommissioned to national acceptance standards, the whole plant-221 was transferred to local government for it's unrstricted use.
It is also notable that the latest research into plants is focused not on redistributing growth towards seeds but on making the whole plant bigger.
The project to increase caster speed, improve reliability of the whole plant and the development of the product mix will be discussed in this paper.
The way to retain freshness of bamboo is very hard. Bamboo shoots are only a kind of bud, which is the most vigorous part of the whole plant organism.
Responsible for the Security, Dormitory, Canteen, and sanitation of the whole plant and dormitory. Also in charge of propagandize the company culture.
In order to realize maximum use of vessel surge capacity and thereby tends to stabilize the whole plant, an averaging controller is designed by using the optimum method.
Explant of flower ball can blossom directly in red light and can grow into the whole plant in other light quality: white light, yellow light, green light and blue light.
We can cut DNA exactly in the lab, but we cannot predict and control the effects on the whole plant genes after the "outside" genes which are transplanted into the plant.
The responses of plant to soil water condition are showed both by physiological and bio chemical reactions in micro level and morphological acclimation in one organ and whole plant.
Method the extracts of petroleum ether, ether, ethyl acetate, ethanol and hot water from the whole plant were used to determine the in vitro miti-oxidant and antibacterial activity.
According to present conditions arrangement of operations between the steelmaking shop and the rolling mills of the plant has great influence upon the general plan of the whole plant.
According to present conditions arrangement of operations between the steelmaking shop and the rolling mills of the plant has great influence upon the general plan of the whole plant.