So let me tell you about one green marketing campaign that failed at first and explain why.
That means to tell the other person how you're feeling, why you feel that way, and what he or she can please do to make it better.
I'm going to tell you about two T-shirts that I really, really love and explain why.
我要跟你们讲述我非常非常喜欢的 两件T 恤衫,并解释原因。
After you have finished building your rule, you need to tell the user why it exists and how to fix the problems that it reports.
They'll have to tell you why they're against commonsense proposals that would help families and strengthen our communities right now.
And this is why we tell you that the Golden Age of Atlantis is actually an event horizon from your future that you pulled into your 'seeming' past!
It will tell you how and why to move beyond the five-paragraph themes you learned to write in high school and start writing essays that are more analytical and more flexible.
I: I knowyour resume that you have workedyour present company3 years, can you tell me why you wantleave your present jobjoin us?
I can't tell you why this is, I can only tell you that it looks very foolish and naive.
I shouldn't have skipped that and I want to hit — Let me tell you why I skipped it.
Besides the hidden fees and hours sat on an airplane without any clue as to why you're holding there are certain things that airlines will never tell you.
Besides the hidden fees and hours sat on an airplane without any clue as to why you're holding, there are certain things that airlines will never tell you.
The traveller was greatly surprised.He turned back and asked,"Why didn’t you tell me that before?"
行路人大吃一惊。 他转过身来问:"那你刚才怎么不告诉我?"
Conscious: Why the hell didn't you tell me that we knew how to do this?
Calling them, emailing them, stopping by to say thank you... just taking that minute out of your life to tell them why you are grateful toward them is important to them.
Should one tell a lie which does not hurt you nor anyone else, why not say in your heart that the house of his facts is too small for his fancies, and he had to leave it for larger space?
If you absolutely must have your smartphone handy then tell people why, and explain that unless that particular message or call comes through, they have your complete attention.
Many times, you can do this simply by verifying arguments and throwing specific exceptions that tell why the supplied arguments are invalid.
I'm an ordinary guy living a fairly ordinary life. So I'll be the first to tell you that I never expected to know the answer to one of life's most mysterious questions: Why Does God Let us Suffer?
Politely push for a reason why. Tell them you aren't trying to change their mind, but that you just want to learn.
When they tell you that failing in business isn't all it's cracked up to be, you might wonder why they needed to point that out—after all, who thinks failing is something to be proud of?
So, why don't you go ahead and tell me, keeping that in mind, which atom in terms of h c or n would you expect to be in the center of hydrogen cyanide?
Sometimes, parents don't realize that their arguing makes you feel upset. If you tell them how you feel, they'll probably try to stop or at least explain to you why they are disagreeing.
And I would rather have that than a Nobel Prize, and I'll tell you why.
So let's go to a second clicker question here and try one more. So why don't you tell me how many possible orbitals you can have in a single atom that have the following two quantum numbers?
If you let me put the chestnuts back in my mouth, I'll tell you why she was hitting me. Is that a deal?
"Why do you wear that yellow ribbon around your neck, Jane?" he'd ask her every day. But she wouldn't tell him.
"Why do you wear that yellow ribbon around your neck, Jane?" he'd ask her every day. But she wouldn't tell him.