He made it abundantly clear that anybody who disagrees with his policies will not last long.
Mix long term with short term so that a task with a less immediate deadline isn't left to the last minute. It will be obvious if it has been rushed.
Mix long term with short term, so that a task with a less immediate deadline isn't left to the last minute. It will be obvious if it has been rushed.
So now the Application type of a project does not have a release label tied to it (see Figure 7), and it will last across all releases as long as it still exists
Even if managers know that a new product will follow this cycle, they cannot be sure when each phase will start and for how long it will last.
These types are likely to volunteer, but in many cases their enthusiasm will not last long enough for them to see it through.
Unlike what has been imagined, the tradition will not disappear. On the contrary, it will last for a relatively long period of time.
Even though it is unlikely that an emergency would cut off your food supply for two weeks, consider maintaining a supply that will last that long.
It isn't clear how long this will last, or how the banking model might evolve in response to the current market crisis.
No one really believes the pace of the past two quarters will last for long: it implies annual growth of 3%, which is more than the euro zone can sustain.
Once you know approximately how long it will last, you can prepare how you will pace yourself and which are the most important points you want to make.
While this persists it will constrain inflationary pressures—and given the gap’s size, it is likely to last a long time, even with a healthy recovery.
Merck's vaccine was studied in clinical trials for five years, and Glaxo's for nearly six and a half, so it is not clear how long the protection will last.
Analysts also warn that until the full extent of the damage caused to Japan's economy and businesses becomes clear, it will be difficult to predict how long the impact on other countries will last.
The coverage of the governor's troubles lifted newsroom morale but it is anybody's guess how long that will last.
That doesn't mean that banner ads haven't been lucrative for some publishers who place them on their sites -- but it does call into question how long that sort of advertising will last.
The relationship between the amount of light an incandescent bulb can produce and how long it will last is complicated, to say the least.
Mix long term with short term, so that a task with a less immediate deadline isn't left to the last minute.It will be obvious if it has been rushed.
Sell its gold and if it does it will drive the price of gold down and that may well be the last opportunity to buy gold for a long time.
For the time being, CoTweet will remain a free product, though it is not clear how long this public beta will last and what CoTweet will charge afterwards.
目前,CoTweet还是一款免费的产品,但是不清楚这次公开beta测试会持续多久,以及随后CoT we et会收取多少费用。
“Just from last month’s sales, it’s making more money than when I was employed as an engineer at Volkswagen, though I’m not sure how long it will last, ” Kim said.
Keep calm as the events on Earth progress, as at times it will appear rather unsettling but know that nothing will last for very long.
But as it spreads through the workplace, covering all aspects of your job and life, I wonder how long the fun will last.
The final book in the "Harry Potter" series is not only almost as long as the last two novels combined and the largest publishing run -- 12 million copies -- it will also be green.
《哈利·波特》系列小说的完结篇不仅篇幅相当于前两部小说的总长,出版印数创下了1200 万册的新纪录,且它的纸质更为环保。
No what special, just give up on the previous who is not pleasing to the eye, I know people can not live in the memories, after all, who do not know how long it will last.
We'll only find out in the race on Sunday how long it will last because the track conditions are constantly changing prior to that as more rubber gets put down.
SPF isn't like a sunscreen power level, but rather what determines how long the sunscreen will last before you need to reapply it.
SPF isn't like a sunscreen power level, but rather what determines how long the sunscreen will last before you need to reapply it.