If the bills become law, state boards and commissions will be required to set aside 50 percent of board seats for women.
Thousands of striking teachers in Washington state will protest in front of the state capitol today.
To limit the number of telescopes on Mauna Kea, old ones will be removed at the end of their lifetimes and their sites returned to a natural state.
Thanks to an exhausted and cranky state, for which there is no prospect of dramatic reform, much of the job of development will fall upon the private sector.
The state of the economy calls for a bold and swift action, and we will act—not only to create new jobs but to lay a new foundation for growth.
It is entirely possible that in the future, a visit to a high street optician to check on your eyesight will also be a check on the state of your brain.
US Secretary of State Madeleine Albright says the affected groups will have their US visas revoked and US financial assets frozen.
Of course you will come to your discussion sections in the same state of joyful preparedness.
Consequentialist moral reasoning locates morality in the consequences of an act, in the state of the world that will result from the thing you do.
Otherwise, the view will continue to reflect the state of affairs that existed when the view was first shown.
THIS month Jennifer Balch will head into the Amazon rainforest of Mato Grosso state, in Brazil.
The findings will trigger a radical rethink about the state of the stratosphere.
The function will take whatever actions are needed, and then return the name of the next state.
Everywhere the changes will increase the role of the state in the economy, which was too large already.
Just change the state of the message to "replied" and the list of messages will update.
Meanwhile many readers who are already alarmed by the state of the environment will find themselves shocked by what Mr Lynas wants to do about it.
The updating of the game will also feel the delay and the game state will be updated in big time-chunks.
All of the property values will be generated using the current state of user set just before the properties are obtained.
Regardless of the state of the economy, skiers will still enjoy the slopes.
I believe we must reach these Goals, as the ability of countries to adapt to climate change will depend on the state of population health and the systems in place to protect it.
They are simple methods, but will be helpful in determining the state of the back and forward buttons.
They say that they hope that by then the two parties will have agreed on the borders of the future Palestinian state, so that further argument over the settlements will be unnecessary.
Neither move amounts to outright privatisation, but both will reduce the scope of the state.
Barak vowed that, if soldiers fall into captivity, the State of Israel will take all the necessary steps to bring them home.
In the well-designed application, one state of the application function will move smoothly and quickly to the state of another function.
This part of the plan is not sitting well with lawmakers from the northern part of the state, who will lose out.
This part of the plan is not sitting well with lawmakers from the northern part of the state, who will lose out.