In the intergranular spaces of rocks, however, fluid must flow around and between grains in a tortuous path; this winding path causes a resistance to flow.
A winding path leads to the cave.
A winding path leads to a secluded place.
They followed the winding path down to the creek.
It's a winding path rife with disagreements, fallouts, and hurt feelings.
The in the mind is still really wanting a felling of having a kind of "winding path You place".
That winding path leads to serenity through the lake, with the shadow of trees dancing if the moon is shining.
Holding umbrellas, they climbed along a winding path to visit a friend living in retreat in a remote mountain.
In the black and white drawing above, a youth gravely contemplates a narrow winding path heading into a forest.
A winding path leads to a quiet cemetery, where rests the great Russian artist Repin among white and white flowers.
The legal construction of the new China has experienced a winding path, so has the legal system education for college students.
Up a steep winding path leading into the mountains, the search party began their climb, undaunted by the hazards than darkness might bring.
China landscape "the winding path leads to a secluded quiet place" type, water bridge division space, creating a visual blur the hidden beauty.
Life is like a winding path surrounded by flowers, butterflies, and delicious fruit, but many of us spend much time looking for happiness around the next corner.
Life is like a winding path surrounded by flowers, butterflies, and delicious fruits, but many of us spend much time looking for happiness around the next corner.
A winding path gets through the 4 architecture-like book shelveswhich are built with shelves, bringing the reader with an experience of walkingthrough a real city of books.
The overall spatial structure planning makes full use of "winding path", an Oriental garden way to express the cultural and spirit pattern between landscape, object and people.
In reality, fate is unpredictable and a winding path to go, it takes rather lasting period for one to find a convincing explanation, which makes one at a loss from time to time.
Huawei 20 years, from the green curtain to walk out, a lonely "farmer", walk along a winding path of the field, like that of Quixote the same closed, spear, mano a mano, stumbling, go to today.
It might be one slightly different tree trunk, a path winding through, or a splash of color on a flowering vine.
More likely, your future depends on leveraging your strengths along a winding career path ripe with possibilities.
He pointed to the smokestack overlooking the rutted dirt path winding past corn and red chili peppers hanging to dry. "We didn't have any awareness of what lead could do."
The path Obama had to navigate as he built an identity and found friends and allies within the world of Chicago's African American politics was a winding one.
An application fills the interior of a path using one of two fill modes: alternate or winding.
A winding black stone path leads intrepid explorers from one peak to the other.
Back on Earth, pi controls the path of winding rivers from the Amazon to the Thames.
现在从天上再回到地面上,你可知道圆周率控制着弯曲河流的轨迹? 不管是亚马逊河还是泰晤士河,都被π管得服服帖帖。
Back on Earth, pi controls the path of winding rivers from the Amazon to the Thames.
现在从天上再回到地面上,你可知道圆周率控制着弯曲河流的轨迹? 不管是亚马逊河还是泰晤士河,都被π管得服服帖帖。