Going to Mount Huangshan reminds me of the popular Beatles' song "The Long and Winding Road".
As the song goes, this long and winding road "will never disappear", and it will always stick in the visitor's memory.
Take the van to take the S-type winding road down to the port.
Her eyes followed the winding road, blood-red now after the morning rain.
1970 - "the Long and Winding Road" becomes the Beatles' last Number 1 song.
It was a narrow, bumpy and winding road leading through Guizhou country-side.
Her motto is "Every day is a winding road, " and you will certainly want to follow hers.
Instead of showing the winding road of life, it has one follow the straight path of love.
There will be winding roads, intersections and forks on the road where we have to make decisions.
Dusk had fallen. The moon was shining faintly on the winding road. Silence reigned in the village.
Give me a blue sky over my head, green grass beneath my feet, a winding road before me, let me think.
Winding road, and thick vegetation and Xuan mesh to deprive a person bonsai, let a person with nature.
Our car slowly winding road ahead for two hours before reaching the hotel, which is already a little tired.
The course headed north for five miles, wandered west for a hilly mile, then turned south again along a winding road.
A lawyer and a doctor, each in a Mercedes, were driving toward each other on a winding road on dark night when they sideswiped each other.
Give me the clear blue sky over my head, and the green turf beneath my feet, a winding road before me, and the three hours' march to dinner—and then to thinking!
Give me a clear blue sky over my head, green grass beneath my feet, a winding road before me, and let me think! It is hard if I cannot start a game in this lonely field.
On our journey of life, life is like mountain climbing, when you are along the steep, winding road, very tired to climb to the top, your mood must be indescribable excitement and pride!
In this article, we'll examine the constituent elements of the ASP.NET runtime environment and go over, step by step, the long and winding road by which a URL request becomes plain HTML text.
本文中,我们将检查与复习A SP.NET运行时环境的组成元素,逐步查看从一个URL请求到返回一个html的曲折道路。
But, the reality is cruel, I have too many things to do, too many winding road to go, I can only put down the heart thought, back to the materialistic society, continue to be a lonely wanderer.
We followed a tight, winding road into Podgorica and then after lunch at a beachside cafe we drove the narrowest road, almost a one way road around the villages and towns of the coastal inlets.
Winding down the flank of the mountain, there is a graceful fluttering in the woods off to the side of the road.
The cyclists crashed into a car after its driver allegedly slammed on his brakes in front of them on Mandeville Canyon Road, a winding street through a hilly neighborhood.
I came upon a shack in an isolated hollow, four miles up a winding mountain road over the Potomac River in West Virginia.
Katherine gave a friendly wave and continued up the winding access road to her usual parking spot at the bottom of the small, two-tiered lot.
Katherine gave a friendly wave and continued up the winding access road to her usual parking spot at the bottom of the small, two-tiered lot.