We made our way through the thick brush, undergrowth, and the trees until we came to a wooden post fence with barbed wire.
Police became suspicious after finding a wire fence behind the bushes and, Grimm said, the man then "admitted he had made it all up as a cover story because he was afraid of his wife".
If you look past the razor wire decorating every gate and fence around every house or apartment, the better parts of Johannesburg might remind you of Santa Monica, Calif.
A barbed wire fence and a wide ditch protect the growing hill of ash: any attempt to approach brings the guards out in force.
HIDDEN behind a row of trees and a rusted barbed-wire fence on a rutted dirt road in the Ecuadorean jungle, Shushufindi 61, a pit in which oil waste is dumped, is hardly a beauty spot.
A 16-year-old girl died last night after riding a makeshift sledge into a barbed wire fence.
The whale carcass left by the Inupiaq whale hunters is surrounded by a barbed wire fence.
Thee unidentified woman suffered minor cuts when she scaled the barbed wire fence. The woman did not come into contact with an aircraft.
The above picture portrays Agim Shala, a two-year-old boy, who is passed through a fence made with barbed wire to his family.
Lincoln holds open a gap in a barbed wire fence. Tweener runs in too quickly and slices his hand on the wire.
As Bromberg and I followed the Auja spring east, we passed a complexof pumps and pipes behind a barbed-wire fence—a Mekorot well, drilled2, 000 feet deep to tap the aquifer.
Back and forth next to the barbed wire fence trying to keep my emaciated2 body warm.
Fixed: Inverted cost of barbed wire and barbed wire fence.
In Kiboko, Kenya, a barbed wire fence separates a field of hybrid corn from the surrounding lands.
Kiboko Kenya,一片杂交玉米田被铁丝网围了起来。
When they ran along the fence surrounding their pen, Heinz placed herself between Tex and the wire.
Canadian airport is reviewing its security systems after a woman managed to scale a barbed wire fence and run onto the tarmac in an attempt to stop a plane from taking off.
The south side of the street had no sidewalk, only a chain-link fence topped with barbed wire protecting some kind of engine parts storage yard.
In traditional electric fence systems, the high voltage wires are interleaved with earth wires up to the height of the fence line, which means that every second wire provides no deterrent.
And it is a professional manufacturer which produces and sales various metal wire mesh and fence netting.
Back and forth I walk next to the barbed wire fence, trying to keep my emaciated body warm.
We found Dad standing in the last of the sun and the first of the moon by the wire fence.
Only when Gertie began to sinitch ripe raspberries and peck holes in the just beginning to ripen tomatoes did Lila ask me to fence off the garden with some chicken wire.
As we approached the corner where the brook trickles under the wire fence, we noticed a red deer getting to her feet.
The fence wire is resistant to atmospheric corrosion.
The truck rolled up the lane and stopped near the gate to the wire fence surrounding the house .
Fence energizers are the heart of the fence system, providing the source for the electric current that flows through the fence wire.
He had come near quietly, and he leaned over the wire fence that protected her flower garden from cattle and dogs and chickens.
The factory was surrounded by a fence and barbed wire on top and on the bottom.
Back and forth next to the barbed wire fence trying to keep my emaciated body warm.
Pooch lived in a big dog house that dad had built of scrap wood behind a chicken-wire fence in our back yard.