After she spent most of the competition lying under a towel, she broke her own world mark with a leap of 5.05 meters.
They have put forward bold plans, such as Eurobonds issued jointly by the entire euro zone, combined with a leap in fiscal integration.
It can be scary to venture into the world with nothing more than optimism and good-will, but personal freedom begins with a leap of faith.
They want your Credit Card number. It can be scary to venture into the world with nothing more than optimism and good-will, but personal freedom begins with a leap of faith.
The fish gasped, then made one last convulsive leap, throwing itself in the direction of the river, and landed on the pavement with a thud.
The mouse gave a sudden leap out of the water, and seemed to quiver all over with fright.
The mouse gave a sudden leap out of the water, and seemed to quiver all over with fright.
The year with a February 29th in it is called a leap year.
Any major leap in popularity, she learned years ago, comes with the potential for a backlash.
With a 6)snappy “Good-morning, Pitcher,” Maxwell dashed at his desk as though he were intending to leap over it, and then plunged into the great heap of letters and telegrams waiting there for him.
The most common approach to forming a new habit is to attempt to create it with a single leap from your old way to the new way, without any transition period.
Every seven years, you must add a leap week or 53rd week to realign the period with the calendar.
A child may start with very small steps but as confidence and ability grow, the child will leap ahead, faster and further each day.
This is one area where you may have to take a leap of faith that trusted developers are more innovative and productive than those provided requirement documents (along with pizzas) under their doors.
Not since the age of dinosaurs has the world known a roach with a vertical leap.
You should leap at the chance to do these things, because that's how you start a life-long close relationship with your child.
Taking a conservative approach to your analysis and then performing financial calculations with a concrete approach will set the stage for this leap.
As China tries to graduate from the world's factory to a nation with a strong middle class, its peasants still aren't ready to make the leap.
For example, patient compliance with leprosy treatment took a huge leap forward when complex regimens were conveniently simplified through the introduction of blister packs.
Weariness, which seeketh to get to the ultimate with one leap, with a death-leap; a poor ignorant weariness, unwilling even to will any longer: that created all Gods and backworlds.
With the rise of the Internet and smart phones, online coupons have taken a massive leap forward.
I thought your article today was very interesting because for one thing, I could identify with the fear of taking a leap of faith into the unknown.
我认为你今天的文章非常有趣。 跟着感觉走,将自己投入到未知领域时所产生的恐惧,让我们十分相似。
Flying fish There are about 50 different species of flying fish, although they don't fly so much as they leap from the water with a push of their powerful pectoral fins.
Flying Fish There are about 50 different species of flying fish, although they don’t fly so much as they leap from the water with a push of their powerful pectoral fins.
Finally, Groovy took a gigantic leap this past April, with the formal release of a new parser aimed at standardizing the language as part of the JSR process.
Office 2007 made a dramatic leap forward with the introduction of the ribbon user interface but the transition was far from complete.
由于采用了Ribbon用户界面,Office 2007年取得了巨大的飞跃,但这种飞跃远未完成。
DB2 logging has taken a huge leap forward in version 8 with some great new features. Here are some of them.
由于V8提供了一些很棒的新特性,所以DB 2日志记录也向前迈了一大步。
When Google introduced a new social networking feature called Buzz last month, it hoped that users would leap at the chance to share content with the people they e-mailed with most often.
When Google introduced a new social networking feature called Buzz last month, it hoped that users would leap at the chance to share content with the people they e-mailed with most often.