study was published in the Archives of Internal Medicine along with an editorial by Turek and Northwestern colleague Joseph Bass commenting on it and related research.
The study was published in the Archives of Internal Medicine along with an editorial by Turek and North western colleague Joseph Bass commenting on it and related research.
The paper starts its editorial comment with a quote from an unnamed member of the House.
Newspapers and magazines have reported widely on this case, with, for example, one of the country's leading magazines, Caixin, devoting a cover story to it and an editorial in the current issue.
An editorial in the Korea Herald has urged South Koreans to keep their humiliation "etched in stone". Yet it also called for more co-operation with Japan.
An editorial in the Korea Herald has urged South Koreans to keep their humiliation "etched in stone".yet it also called for more co-operation with Japan.
Clinton: "In an editorial board with the Reno newspaper, you said two different things, because I have read the transcript, you talked about Ronald Reagan being a transformative figure.
克林顿参议员对奥巴马参议员说:“在跟雷诺的那家报纸社论版编辑交谈的时候,你说了两种不同的话,我读了你的谈话的文字记录。 你说里根是一个突破体制的人物。
The town, according to an 1830 editorial in the Rhode Island American, was “forever...stained with blood, blood, blood.”
《罗德岛美国人》(Rhode Island American)在1830年的一篇社论中写到,萨勒姆被“永远......玷污了,到处都是血、血、血。”
Reviewers, together with the editorial team for the CRG, must determine an appropriate time frame for a specific review.
In an accompanying editorial, Noel S. Weiss, MD, DrPH, noted that "there are other possible explanations for the association with precipitation that [Waldman et al] have observed."
在一份编后语中,Noel S.Weiss医学博士、公共卫生学博士注意到“正像Waldman和其他人已经观察到的,孤独症与降雨量的关联还有其他可能的解释。”
Portable presets load into any editing hosts, so the same Looks you create on set are the ones you finish with in the editorial suite: no need for an expensive finishing system.
In an editor capacity, from contributing papers, chosen subject, writing and connect with the editorial, Asummary account on the own views, to attract the author "s attention."
Thanh Nien has run an editorial demanding: "Free the honest journalists." it says it has been "swamped" with messages of support from the public and some National Assembly members.
This paper makes a study of the interactive role of the reference room with an aim of drawing attention to the functions of the reference room from the editorial department.
This paper makes a study of the interactive role of the reference room with an aim of drawing attention to the functions of the reference room from the editorial department.