What are your future plans with regards to JBI?
"It offers us all a wake up call with regards to commitments," said Clancy.
With regards to the technology provided by the project for rendering views.
With regards to performance loss due to the on-demand decryption, Dmitry stated.
Systems frequently fail to meet user expectations with regards to performance.
If there is anything at all you can do with regards to this matter, we would be most grateful.
On the flip side, with regards to #72, you could also say the same for accomplishments and joy
It is statically type-checked and does not allow type coercion, so is safe with regards to types.
Note. To be honest, I don't have much to say with regards to the last Google purchase - Motorola.
Interestingly, with regards to ads in SMS messages, the Numbers were pretty close (22.5% vs. 17.6%).
有趣的是在手机短信广告方面,两者的记忆率recall rate非常接近22.5% vs。
Creating any kind of conference takes a lot of time an effort, with regards to taking on such a task.
Greece and Portugal are small countries, but Spain is about five times their size with regards to GDP.
With regards to animal rights, I shuddered to think of how animals are abused on today's factory farms.
Direct rewards or punishment can be given accordingly with regards to the different nature and effects.
With regards to my experience, it always depends on what job I am assigned to. It is constantly changing!
These types of comparison effects have also been shown with regards to income, unemployment, crime, and obesity.
We have really turned a corner with regards to the amount of text that is actually available for us to work with.
With regards to actual testing procedure, the client had an informal testing process and did not use automated testing tools.
With regards to your question, the patterns in this catalog have one specific context in common and that is service-orientation.
"With regards to physical activity levels, we did not find much of a difference between poor and rich countries," Guthold said.
These skills or capabilities are extremely important whether with regards to the writer’s future academic career or practical work.
With regards to the popularity of different app stores, Nielsen's data isn't that interesting, as most users don't really have a choice.
Public policies and planning are essential, especially with regards to managing land competition and forest protection, the report adds.
Know that your perception is flexible and perhaps ask the opinion of others with regards to their perception of events you may be facing.
"With regards to Vera Rubin," said Botner, "yes, she was one of the people who is said to have discovered dark matter." She's not the only one.
With regards to a VC that sees all of the competition, I have found that most VCs are very good at not leaking information across companies.
Better policy in countries will lead to an increase in the quality, effectiveness and coverage of health care with regards to medical devices.
Better policy in countries will lead to an increase in the quality, effectiveness and coverage of health care with regards to medical devices.