Emotional intelligence, with its focus on both head and heart, may serve to point us in the right direction.
Try writing a program to generate for simple cases and check that your output agrees with the example cases; this will confirm you've understood the problem and are heading in the right direction.
"With our feet on the ground, one step after another, the Italians and Italy are going in the right direction," Mr Tremonti has said.
Behavioural economists advocate "nudging" people in the right direction by subtly altering the choices that they are presented with.
The following seven focus points will show you how to cooperate with God as he works to change your autopilot and gets you heading in the right direction.
Say you've got a new lead -they're unhappy with their Website in its current form and want you to help steer the site in the right direction.
I remember I needed plenty of encouragement and guidance along the way, and I believe that with my experience I can steer youngsters in the right direction to achieve what they want.
We realized that, collectively, we have enough experience to help with values or point them in the right direction.
You don't have to do something huge, but sitting down and making a plan with small steps on how you will achieve your dreams will start you off in the right direction.
I believe money can't exchange with happiness, but only true love could win forever happiness. I hope everyone could find a right direction and get your own happiness!
With faith honesty sincerity and genuineness in every action as well as a down-to-earth attitude and right direction we will be able to gain recognition and trust from everyone.
The lesson of the last few months is that they need to be backed up with regular, firm pushes in the right direction.
China's offer of an FTA with ASEan and individual ASEan countries is a step in the right direction.
So we should be responsible for our actions. Save our "neighbors" and live harmoniously with them. let "green" become our guidebook and lead us to a right direction.
Particularly for those with no close family member to urge them in the right direction (and especially for men), neurotic tendencies promoted longevity.
I'm happy with the spirit and the quality of our game - we are going in the right direction again.
One has only to provide it with a vectorial direction, here anti-clockwise-this is governed by the fact that, at least in our writing, you read things from left to right.
He started right, but there were men coming from that direction too, racing toward them with swords in hand.
Maybe someone could shed some light in this area, or push me in the right direction with some links, papers or something.
For LINQ look at SELECTMANY - sorry can't be more help with detail but hopefully a pointer in the right direction.
For the counter attacking target man (quick striker), I like to give him a side arrow; direction usually depending on whether he is better with his left or right foot.
You have to think ahead how to clear all the objects in a particular sequence with just the right amount of force at the desired direction.
I hope someone could spot some mistakes with my code or point me in the right direction.
I personally think initial therapy of stage 2 and 3 hypertension with dual compound SPC is probably a step in the right direction.
Not sure if they will work with WP8, but like I said I'm wondering what is the right direction to point my self to.
If you can't set it in the right direction, you're not going to sail with favourable winds.
There will be minor differences between family members and with your efforts put in right direction you will progress in life.
The packages in Figure 29 are arranged horizontally, with dependencies drawn from left to right to reflect the direction that people in Western cultures read.
The packages in Figure 29 are arranged horizontally, with dependencies drawn from left to right to reflect the direction that people in Western cultures read.