With that said, here are a few examples of how you can backup your external stuff.
With that said, those patterns can be used in combination with the PBE patterns.
这样说来,那些模式可以与P BE模式一起组合使用。
With that said, I have decided to write about some ways to save your self-esteem while dating.
With that said, companies cannot afford to throw up their hands and give up in the face of unpredictably.
With that said, it already includes twenty five built-in easing effects, and other features to get you started.
With that said, I would never promote some sort of "physical product" like a lawn mower, refrigerator, tool set, dishes, etc...
With that said, the document does get much smaller and you can still re-purpose it with XQuery, as with the Word 2007 file format.
然而,文档的确小了很多,而且仍然可以用XQuery 对它进行再利用,就像对待Word 2007文件格式一样。
With that said, most of you read this knowledge domain for technical details, so I'll start giving your those in the subsequent sections of this article.
With that said, all one length is the safest way to go if you have no idea what you want, but you are unlikely to reach your hair's full potential that way.
With that said, great care should be taken when using these tools, because the majority of them are quite large and can impair the performance of your application.
With that said, an outfit that makes one woman shine may do another a great disservice, especially when trends that fashion experts consider age-sensitive are involved.
And if you're our zero just continue standing there awkwardly, Alright. So with that said, we have a three-letter word so we'll have three rounds of hands going up or down.
With that said, those that see a decrease in their rankings will need to move quickly in updating their search strategies in order to regain ground and get back in the game.
Qualitatively there is no doubt that higher taxes have reduced smoking, but with that said, it's very difficult from a statistical standpoint to figure out what caused the real reduction.
With that said, OAuth can be implemented in a very secure manner and the specification includes a good amount of security considerations to take into account when working with sensitive resources.
"Ay," said Slightly, "that is what one does with ladies."
The Chicago and Northwestern Railroad wouldn't go along with that arrangement and said it would shut down completely.
People said we were interfering with nature, and that we should just let the animals die.
"Tom, I hoped you loved me that much," said Aunt Polly, with a grieved tone that discomforted the boy.
He scratched his head with a perplexed air, and said: "Well, that beats anything!"
"There's this whole culture of competition that sucks people in" with online gaming, said Heidrich, now a father of two.
"Out with that money or you're a dead man," said the taller of the two Assassins.
Now with this framework, I said that talking about these valence electrons might give us some insight into chemical reactivity.
Along with the deaths, the report said that the lives of 325 million people, primarily in poor countries, were being seriously affected by climate change.
Along with the deaths, the report said that the lives of 325 million people, primarily in poor countries, were being seriously affected by climate change.