With the passing time, the air in the balloons hung in the exhibition gradually escapes.
Make eye contact with the people passing, nod to them, gesture keen interest in talking to them at a later time, point to your phone, shrug and move on.
In the new global economy, students who fail to finish the ninth grade with passing grades in college preparatory coursework are very unlikely to graduate on time and go on to get jobs.
Meanwhile, drivers resigned to their fate are reported to be passing the time with games of chess or CARDS.
That's why this time of year, TV and radio ads are filled with smiling families sitting around a large table in holiday sweaters, passing the dinner rolls.
You are just passing the time doing work that you aren't really connected with.
This decline in vigour with the passing of time is called ageing.
In the end, we still have to do that thing and with time passing it might become even harder and we won't get rid of it.
But with every passing year, pro-whaling nations have been gaining ground: last year, for the first time, they persuaded a narrow majority to vote for a resumption of whaling.
Those cruelties are badly used that, although few at the outset, increase with the passing of time instead of disappearing.
But with time passing and nightfall bringing freezing temperatures, the chances of survival seemed to be dimming, and bodies, wrapped in colorful shrouds, piled up in the city.
On Europe's oldest highway, the Rhine river, the castles on rocky outcrops date from the time when bandits with aristocratic titles extracted tolls from passing traffic.
The second time Gulliver wakes up in Lilliput, it is after passing out, having drunk wine laced with a sleeping-draught.
This decline in vigour with the passing of time is called ageing.
With time passing by, more and more people came and some old people and kids were walking by the tombs.
I had harvested the first pleasure with my sweats and the way to learn BEC was broadening with time passing by.
With the passing of time, this celebration of life became a day to the honor past ancestors.
This decline in vigour with the passing of time is called ageing.
With the passing of time, signs easily become not only naturalized, but conventionalized as well.
Time after time, with the passing years, my thoughts returned to that night.
Liddle, 20 - driving the car for the first time after passing his test the month before - escaped with minor injuries.
WITH the Dow Jones Industrial Average passing 12,000 for the first time this week, middlemen should be as happy as investors.
On a flight back home to the U.S. in early February, Tom Hicks was passing the time with a DVD of the European Champions League football final of 2005.
With time passing by, I started to get the basic answer for the question of painting and photography.
Time after time, with the passing years, my thoughts returned to that night. By then I missed my mother's hands, missed her goodnight kiss on my forehead.
Thus, the tradition of eating Laba porridge was based in religion, though with the passing of time the food itself became a popular winter dish especially in cold northern China.
Perhaps you every detail of the lecture with the passing of time will be we forget, but your enthusiasm, courage and love will remain.
Perhaps you every detail of the lecture with the passing of time will be we forget, but your enthusiasm, courage and love will remain.