If he reads haltingly, one word at a time, without expression or meaning, he needs more practice.
I'm a face without expression, a heart with no beat. Without you by my side, I'm just a flame without the heat.
Heart. I'm a face without expression, a heart with no beat. Without you by my side, I'm just aflame without the heat.
Without expression trees, its impossible to describe expressions in a descriptive format; the only description of them is IL, which is too low level to re-create the user's intent for the expression.
Without the atlas each researcher could spend a lifetime trying to gather complete gene-expression data for his or her work.
Solving the Expression Problem makes it possible to extend preexisting types to new methods and extend preexisting methods to new types, all without recompiling existing code.
Jean knew the only way to be content without her husband's love was to seek an expression of love from God.
Without the irritated expression he hid behind during the trial, he had a nice, intelligent, harmless civil servant's face.
I shall always remember David's expression when he found that our only tableware consisted of a couple of tin plates, a cup without a handle, and a thermos top!
Again, this seems to reflect the music - introspective, tortured, an expression of rage, but without the deafening volume and tempo to render it truly cathartic.
Predicates that are pushed down to a nested table expression or materialized view without changing the result, and not already done automatically by DB2.
The rest of the expression is used to see if the value (without leading or trailing blanks) is an empty string.
The best decisions take the emotional reactions of both of you into account simultaneously, but without an honest expression of those reactions, you will be missing the target.
You can use XSL: copy-of to copy the whole IDN tree to the output, as before, but you can also use the variable in a path expression without a node-set conversion.
与以前一样,可以使用xsl: copy- of将整个idn树复制到输出,但是也可在路径表达式中使用该变量而不需要转换成节点集。
Breakpoints can be set to unconditional using the 'condition' command specifying a breakpoint number without an expression, for example 'condition 1' sets breakpoint 1 to unconditional.
使用'condition '命令时,如果指定断点编号但又不指定表达式,可以将断点设置成无条件断点,例如,' condition1 '就将1号断点设置成无条件断点。
In such cases, you can apply an XPath expression on a single transform without the need of an If refinement.
在这种情况下,可以对单独的转换应用一个XPath表达式,而不涉及If 细分。
Tough luck: in Perl 5, you can't ignore an alternation without the somewhat esoteric and not always available regular expression? : modifier.
However, without the square brackets the XQuery expression is a Boolean expression which always returns a Boolean value and never the empty sequence.
Figure 4 shows you an example of DNT strings and a good practice of keyword expression because the strings combined without Spaces between words such as WebSite are usually keywords.
This matches the previous expression n or more times. If it is used without a question mark, it looks for the most repetitions possible.
The result is a massive saving in time, since without the atlas each researcher could spend a lifetime trying to gather complete gene-expression data for his or her work.
I see something that intrigues me and convert and adapt it to my own style of creative expression without even being aware of it most of the time.
Not that the mind does not do so, but it does it tacitly, naturally, and without technical rules; for the expression of it is beyond all men, and only a few can feel it.
Our paper is saying 'be careful'! Sometimes you can find a patient without high expression of NIK, so you think NIK is not implicated, where it might be.
我们的文章是说'小心' !有时你发现一个病人没有高表达NIK,所以你认为NIK是没有牵连的,其实可能有牵连。
Notice that you can use the context directly in a sub-expression, without necessarily making it part of another expression. The result is.
In many cases, a native XML database can evaluate an XQuery or XPath expression and resolve the query directly from the indexes, without ever having to retrieve a document.
This is the gift Horse has for humanity, the understanding and expression of strength and power without the need to destroy or be destroyed.
Proteomic methods compare protein expression in patients with and without a gien condition to identify unique patterns or profiles of protein expression related specifically to that condition.
Proteomic methods compare protein expression in patients with and without a gien condition to identify unique patterns or profiles of protein expression related specifically to that condition.