But that has not translated into a big advance in the Numbers of women in the workforce.
Despite its progress, Korean society still remains too wary of foreign influence and too biased against women in the workforce.
Some futurologists have assumed that the vast upsurge of women in the workforce may portend a rejection of marriage. (CET-6, 2004.1
As a result, the percentage of women in the workforce continues to inch toward equilibrium, as women now comprise 47.4% of the total.
I want to start out by saying, I talk about this — about keeping women in the workforce — because I really think that's the answer.
I want to start out by saying, I talk about this — about keeping women in the workforce — because I really think that's the answer.
The researchers also found that a higher proportion of women in the workforce is bad for productivity in young teams and good in old teams。
With economic models straining in every corner of the world, none of us can afford to perpetuate the barriers facing women in the workforce.
Thee researchers also found that a higher proportion of women in the workforce is bad for productivity in young teams and good in old teams.
研究者们还发现,在年轻的团队中,女性所占比例过高将对效率产生反作用,但这样的情况在年长的团队中刚好相反。 。
Where the female employment rate is low there is usually a smaller gap, because of the small proportion of low-skilled or unskilled women in the workforce.
The participation of women in the workforce in the MENA region is among the lowest in the world-making it one of the key gender challenges for the region.
On the other hand, gender equality means women have to compete in the workforce.
On the other hand, gender equality means women have to compete with men in the workforce.
More women than ever are in the workforce, they are starting business at twice the rate of men, and about a third of working women earn more than their spouses.
Earlier this year, for the first time in American history, the balance of the workforce tipped toward women, who now hold a majority of the nation's jobs.
The EU wants Europe's biggest economy to avoid loominglabour shortages in future by dismantlingbarriers to women entering the workforce.
Women came to comprise 70 per cent of the workforce in Dongguan, one of the Pearl River cities.
In fact, as Hanna Rosin noted in her Atlantic Monthly article "the End of men," women became the majority of the workforce for the first time in U. S. history in 2010.
From Cambodia to Lesotho, job losses in export-oriented textile factories will affect women, who account for up to 75 per cent of the workforce in those sectors.
Earlier this year, women became the majority of the workforce for the first time in U.S. history.
Women now comprise over 50% of the workforce, leaving fewer families than ever in traditional "women raise the children" households.
In Germany senior figures point to the barriers, such as patchy child care, that keep too many women out of the workforce.
Attending business school earlier will help women to bolster their place in the workforce, says Catherine Tinsley, a professor at Georgetown's business school.
The figures reflect more women entering the workforce, but it also implies that wages haven't increased as much as the rise in worker hours would suggest.
The Shriver Report’s most stunning finding is that women now make up half of the American workforce, and are the primary breadwinner or co-breadwinner in 2/3 of American families.
Women in the United States do make up half the workforce, but that hardly makes us equal.
Women in the United States do make up half the workforce, but that hardly makes us equal.