For Zhangzhou New Year wood-block prints, drawings are first engraved on wood-blocks (including coloring block and outline block), then overprinted on the paper using wood-block printing.
At the foot of the slope there are cinder block houses, but as you climb the ridge, concrete gives way to wood and tarpaulin, then cardboard and twigs.
Those who had handled the wood block ratedthe employee as being more rigid and strict than those who had handled the blanket.
The cheapest model iPad 2 (that isn't just a block of wood): $499 (that's without 3G).
She placed a cushion under his head, and offered him some water; he rejected the latter, and tossed uneasily on the former, as if it were a stone or a block of wood.
The cleaning and preparation for cooking the rat is also quite a process. The small feet and tail are first cut off on a wood chopping block.
清洗和准备烹调这些田鼠也破费功夫.小爪子和尾巴首先在一个木头墩子上被切掉 从耳朵后面切开 这样可以把整个皮扯下来 之后砍连着皮毛的头.
With that she turned to girl into a block of wood and threw it into the fire.
A common block of wood became a wonderful work of art through the careful and precise carving of this Sculptor.
The architects removed some walls and slotted a sculptural multi-functional furniture block into the gaps. Made out of black wood-fibre panels, it has a staggered profile.
A block of compressed coal dust, charcoal, or sawdust and wood chips, used for fuel and kindling.
We have observed the fungi growth state inside of the wood block by SEM.
Tyloses are often found in injured tissue, older wood, and below an abscission layer , and can completely block the conducting vessel.
Master bedroom is has a very inviting feel to it, special light colored wood flooring, glass block wall which allows plenty of light with security.
Testing out your drill bit on a scrap wood block or board before attempting to do so on your guitar is a very very wise idea.
Never sand with just your fingers, use a block of wood with the sandpaper covering it.
We found the coffin here to be unique because it is made from a single block of wood.
A new wood color feature extraction method combining image block theory was given on the basis of the previous studies.
Operating a wide range, have clothing, knitting, wood, metal, stone, handicrafts, the lack of resources to foreign products, I hope our presence can do for you a building block in their careers.
Each paint sample was applied in a single layer to a wood block, left to dry and then removed and analyzed in UC laboratories for lead content.
When eggs placed out of the wood block, egg stage is 13 ~ 15days, average hatching rate and average parasite rate are increased, they are 83.3% and 87.5% respectively.
卵放在木段外,卵期缩短为13 ~15天,平均孵化率及初孵幼虫对光肩星天牛幼虫的平均寄生率均有所提高,分别为83.3%和87.5%。
Incomplete Liao Zang is wood block for printing edition, which reflects Chinese characters' features after applying wood block for printing technique.
The block is cut along the grain of the wood (unlike wood engraving where the block is cut in the end-grain).
The improved design of the pressure tank of hot pressing wood shuttle block has been conducted to meet the strict market demand for high density of wood shuttle.
Hermetic sealing is reliable, the filling changes but is in progress under not stop calculation situation, the convenient rapid block of wood affects systematic operation.
Hermetic sealing is reliable, the filling changes but is in progress under not stop calculation situation, the convenient rapid block of wood affects systematic operation.