He started out for work one hour ago, hasn't he arrived yet?
If one of your goals is to write a book, a simple daily habit would be to work on your book for at least one hour per day.
Set yourself a minimum work time; it might be fifteen or twenty minutes or even an hour, and then work on just one project during that time.
You're the one who sneak out half an hour early - at least I work a full eight hours every day!
It might be fifteen or twenty minutes or even an hour, and then work on just one project during that time.
On Friday mornings we have a one-hour talk, usually by guests presenting their current work and results.
In one decisive lunch hour, he committed to a first step: to delay his commute to work a bit each day, to enjoy breakfast with his family.
Roughly half of the study subjects didn't work overtime. But 21 percent worked one extra hour, 15 percent worked two extra hours, and 10 percent worked three hours or more extra per day.
You're the one who sneak out half an hour early - at least I work a full eight hours every day!
Twenty-two percent of commuters in Mexico City take more than an hour a day for a typical one-way trip to work.
One extra hour of sunlight every evening for seven months would boost domestic consumption, as people leave work for bars, restaurants, shopping and golf.
For the arrival of this one hour, each preparation work is being prepared tensely in.
We will be glad to allow you to work through your lunch hour and subsequently leave one hour early, provided your share of the work is done enough.
We will be glad to allow you to work through your lunch hour and subsequently leave one hour early.
Having inherited her parents' home, she pays no rent, but spends around 55 rand a month on electricity, 30 rand on water and 300 rand a month on her one-hour bus journey to work.
We will be glad to allow you to work through your lunch hour and subsequently leave one hour early.
No one was there to hold me accountable for my work and I had to force myself to rise at a reasonable hour each morning and develop self-discipline.
I work at the math problem for over one hour, but I can't work it out.
It is a commonly held belief that one should balance work against a set time, for example an 8 hour day or a 40 hour week.
If you take exercise one hour a day, you'll work healthily for fifty years and live a happy life forever.
No matter how busy he is, he sets aside one hour to work out in the gym every day.
A unit of energy, especially electrical energy, equal to the work done by one watt acting for one hour and equivalent to 3, '00 joules.
I workout for 2 hours continuously, one hour of cardio (cardio vascular exercises) and rest of the time work on two body parts at a time.
For instance, they can reduce 15 administrative steps to three, or four interviews to one, or three days of work to a half hour.
If you're out of work, you're probably sleeping an hour longer than a person with a job, and a whopping one-quarter of your waking hours are spend sitting in front of the tube.
If you're out of work, you're probably sleeping an hour longer than a person with a job, and a whopping one-quarter of your waking hours are spend sitting in front of the tube.