But now after military service, I have lots of work plan and want to delay marriage.
It will provide your work plan and describe the activities necessary for the completion of your project.
However no institution has taken the lead in defining a work plan and carving up the tasks and the bill.
The individual has a work plan that is well linked to business priorities with clear success measures.
Acknowledges major accomplishments and identifies any results not achieved versus the previous work plan.
So we've also agreed to a detailed work plan to guide our efforts going forward — the specific actions we will take.
The work plan was discussed with Executive Directors at an informal meeting on Oct. 24 and endorsed by them on Nov. 9.
他们与执行董事在10月24日举行的非正式会议上讨论了这个工作计划。 执行董事会在11月9日通过了该计划。
So we've also agreed to a detailed work plan to guide our efforts going forward — the specific actions we will take.
Provide support to new employees on registration, administration, orientation, probation review, work plan, and etc.
Workshop facilitators helped each country delegation design a work plan to test agricultural policies and evaluate their impact.
Work plan. Make sure both you and the volunteer understand the work to be done, the timeline and when you will next check in about progress.
These are exactly the kind of commitments called for in the work plan that we adopted today, so we've made real progress in building a safer world.
Executer install, maintain, annual inspection and remove according to supervisor work plan, prepare relevant equipments and spare parts in advance.
Describe what you have done in the last month to keep up-to-date on new products. How have you integrated this information into your work plan for your customers?
Can fully grasp the superior management consciousness, the implementation of the organization and command post work plan, ensure the operation of engineering department.
With this dialogue we are laying, brick by brick, the foundation of a stronger relationship -improving lines of communication; increasing understanding; setting priorities; and creating a work plan.
Managers don't mind too much, because programmers working alone fit into the work plan easier, and having many people working on discrete pieces of the problem at the same time seems more efficient.
In this round table paper, we suggest goals for data sharing and a work plan for reaching them, and challenge respondents to move beyond well intentioned but largely aspirational data sharing plans.
With this dialogue we are laying, brick by brick, the foundation of a stronger relationship - improving lines of communication; increasing understanding; setting priorities; and creating a work plan.
The plan is designed to motivate employees to work more efficiently.
The plan is designed to motivate employees to work more efficiently.