Written authorisation must be provided by the client for any changes to the original work specification or for any additional work.
They work from a specification of the service interface provided by either the Software Architect or another Developer.
In my line of work, I have responsibilities that range from application architecture design to detailed specification design to actual application development.
Note that the specification of the target quality attribute for the reengineered system is not specific to our work.
If you provide a development service where customers order development work, or features by specification, then the process is more visible.
A scope provides for a clear understanding of which elements need to be mapped and how much work remains on an in-progress mapping specification.
As its name suggests, this specification also provides an alternative to JCA work management.
Those responsible for specific aspects of a specification that are included in a common document do their work serially.
Closing a JMS connection causes any outstanding transactional work on JMS sessions to be rolled back (as described in the JMS Specification).
Note that JCR implementations are not required to comply with level 2 and beyond by the specification, so it is perfectly valid to work with a repository that is read-only.
When you work in a J2EE project, many files are updated without your knowledge (as a developer), because the IDE follows the J2EE specification.
I could have written a several page description, including mock ups, for the report specification of Figure 4. What would that work achieve?
There was a lot of work spent on implementing the first version of JPA specification, however it was decided in 2008 to abandon that approach.
The specification is partitioned into multiple documents that are strongly owned by individual team members who can work concurrently without creating a need for merges.
These were preceded by a requirements document that stated objectives for the new features and justified the work on a 2.0 specification.
The MDA approach builds on earlier system specification standards work, and it provides a comprehensive interoperability framework for defining interconnected systems.
Recognizing that XHTML is unlikely to fully replace HTML, work has recently begun to standardize an updated HTML specification, HTML5 (see Resources for a link).
Since CORBA 2.0, the ability for ORBs of different vendors to work together was made a requirement by the specification.
从CORBA 2.0 开始,该规范就要求不同厂商的ORB 必须能够一起工作。
The specification of the work offered for another
Project Area editor gives you access to the project area's process specification, development lines, work item categories, and process state.
WebSphere BPM has extended the specification to address more complex human work flow scenarios.
However, this doesn't work either; PortletSession is scoped at either the portlet or portlet application context level, according to JSR 168 specification 1.0.
不过,这也不能正常工作,因为根据JSR 168规范1.0的规定,PortletSession的作用范围应设置为Portlet或Portlet应用程序上下文级别。
Some JSF vendors work around this by offering an onPageLoad functionality (see Resources) with their developer tools, but it is not part of the core specification.
有些JSF供应商通过用开发人员工具提供 onPageLoad功能来绕过这个问题(见参考资料),但这不是核心规范的一部分。
Work has begun on Canonical XML 1.1 [in development], which addresses several important problems with the 1.0 specification.
该项工作始于CanonicalXML 1.1 [开发阶段],其中解决了 1.0规范中一些重要问题。
Additionally, there is still much work to be done with regards to fleshing out the requirements related to the recent addition of the WS-Secure Conversations specification.
此外,对于形成与最近添加的WS - Secure Conversations规范相关的要求,仍然需要进行大量的工作。
Google also mentioned they work on adding alpha channel support, more speed improvements and a complete metadata specification.
These are the concrete classes with work with the WebSphere Application Server EJB container to make the example EJBs fulfill all of the qualities defined by the EJB specification.
Note that dc and cc are prefixes to work properties to indicate the source of specification.
The new Managed Beans specification was the result of work we did in JSR-299 (what we were calling "simple Web Beans" in earlier drafts of the specification).
新的ManagedBean规范是JSR- 299的工作成果(在规范的早期草案中我们称之为“简单Web Bean”)。
Two factors are at work here. One is that the Nook Color has a more limited specification than most Android tablets on the market today.