In fact, we are hard pressed for a good working definition for life in the cosmic context.
Our working definition of asset liquidity is the equilibrium probability of sale for that asset in any given period.
A working definition might be "the art, science and technologies related to the management of geographically-referenced information."
Lyubomirsky's working definition of happiness — "a joyful, contented life" — gets at both the feelings and judgments necessary for overall happiness.
Introduce the working definition of virtual reality, and two typical methods to realize virtual reality on WWW (world wide web) are given-VRML and image-based virtual panorama.
There is a rich body of academic literature in this field (see Resources), but a useful working definition is straightforward. Finite state machines are computer programs that consist of
Toreutics definition is - the art or process of working in metal especially by embossing or chasing.
No one wants to be doomed to repeating the same actions when they are not really working (some definition of madness here).
If an XML grammar could be used for generating an initial set of classes and a corresponding binding definition, this would provide the benefit of getting working code quickly.
If you open a US or Canadian financial account and financial assessment workbook and if you search for working capital you will find this definition, okay?
This script package will use the file and same script package definition values as the first, except for the Working directory and Executes field values.
The biggest downside to the JiBX binding approach, at least in web service terms, is probably that JiBX currently provides weak support for working from an XML schema definition.
With this small working executable in place, next is to register the plug-in with Nagios and create a service definition that checks the load average.
Not all sections are relevant in every use-case definition, and any of the sections can be combined (or omitted) in a real working document.
A better definition would be: 'in most successful software projects, the expert developers working on that project have a Shared understanding of the design system design.
It either expands the elements on disk to include added fields, or, if the fields don't exist in the class definition it is working with in the given JVM, it ignores them.
If the test results show that the rule logic is not working as expected, modify the rule definition accordingly.
Yes, say a group of open source hardware enthusiasts, who have been working on the draft version of a definition of open source hardware.
Working with the tool vendor (s), the EPMO facilitates the definition of organizational needs and requirements, and configures the tool components to meet those requirements.
The RUP, working off the IEEE definition, defines architecture as 'the highest level concept of a system in its environment.
制定 IEEE定义的RUP把架构定义为 ‘环境中最高级别的系统概念。
The Working Group suggests to either broaden the definition of deposits to include other types than the current consumer and corporate deposits or to abolish the loan deposit ratio.
There is one definition for “brittle code” in urbandictionary as being software that is liable to crashes when not working in it’s ideal operating conditions.
To be responsible for the definition and implementation of job descriptions, working procedures and performance monitoring of his direct team.
Bypass flow control and definition work current capacity (working speed) scope load sensing control valve disposition.
While the solution above makes that error go away in this situation, it also means that you're working with an older definition of the type that probably isn't acting the way you think it is.
The concept and definition of the sliding cutting Angle of the working parts in agricultural machinery are described variously and even incorrectly at present.
In the first place, a working or expedient definition of coherence and cohesion derives from a brief retrospectation of coherence and cohesion.
In the first place, a working or expedient definition of coherence and cohesion derives from a brief retrospectation of coherence and cohesion.