In fact, when I sometimes see girls wearing hanfu in my school, I say to myself, "Wow! That's a beautiful dress! They are so different!"
In the note (pdf) he released yesterday, Mahaney repeated the word "wow" several times after giving up a datapoint.
The natural response to somebody saying, “thank you” or “wow, I really appreciate you” is the discovery of reasons to respond in-kind.
New school. New city. A new phase of her life. "it's just like wow, wow, wow! I was just excited that I'm in new surroundings," she said.
Recently, Luo Yufeng (Sister feng) posted a poster in the WOW with the title of "I dreamed of being hunted down by genies, which has aroused my interest to represent for WOW."
The international Pow Wow, the biggest international tourism trade fair, concluded Tuesday in the United States.
最大的国际旅游交易会国际Pow Wow大会周二在美国结束。
In 2008 she opened her own doggy day care business, Ciao Bow Wow, in lower Manhattan.
2008年,她在曼哈顿下城开了一间日间照顾中心“CiaoBow Wow”。
Wow - our jaws hit the floor when Emma stepped out in this daring Chanel fringed and feathered dress.
It was hard to watch friends, or to watch people who I admired, up there performing and think to myself, 'Wow, I only know that now from here — from standing in the audience.'
斯泰普说,“看到朋友或是我崇拜的人在台上演出,想到‘哇,我对他们现在的了解的只是从现在,从站在听众里的这一刻开始。’ 这是自己很难接受的。”
This lends it great strength and a simple sort of fortitude. So too is the simplest design of the Team Dynamic in WoW.
South Korea has moved on, so it's a time for an update in wireless wow.
But over in one corner there's this mob of people, and they all have dollars in their hands, and it was, wow!
Speaking by phone, Boyle told the press in Stockholm: "I have this lovely feeling all over my body, like wow, this is really quite exciting, but is it real?
Another "wow" : e-books have already surpassed printed books in terms of volume at Amazon.
Too often stories about getting older are full of the “woe factor” – but in reality there is much more “wow factor” to being a fiftysomething.
In an e-mailed response to a Phoenix TV reporter in January, he said “My original purpose was to make this video for WoW players.
In fact, she comes back and says: Wow everything is so neatly organized!
And when he prays for God's forgiveness in front of her-wow!
"It just didn't sink in at the time," Zidane said recently. "at the final whistle I said to myself 'Wow."
"It just didn't sink in at the time," Zidane said recently. "at the final whistle I said to myself 'Wow."World champion?
"It just didn't sink in at the time," Zidane said recently. "at the final whistle I said to myself 'Wow." World champion?
Disney became the first studio with two billion-dollar movies in a year, and "Inception" defied convention to wow movie-goers.
Wow, OK, maybe not so wow, but this is now constant. This is constant time access. So I can do searching in constant time which is great.
The Bretton Woods conference succeeded not because it assembled every state, or because the participants engaged in an extensive pow-wow.
The Bretton Woods conference succeeded not because it assembled every state, or because the participants engaged in an extensive pow-wow.