A writer is suing director Steven Spielberg for allegedly stealing his film idea.
Writer-director Paul Greengrass has gone to great lengths to be respectful in his depiction of what occurred, proceeding with the film only after securing the approval of every victim's family.
More recently, he has been a writer, record slanger, music producer, manager, promoter and film soundtrack supervisor.
For everyone involved in the film, including the director and the writer, were to be at the dinner too.
Rated as one of the best films of all time, Peter Seller's is often credited as the Co-Writer, improvising so many of his lines within the film.
Today we tell about film actress Mae West. She was also a writer, producer and businesswoman.
It's considered one of the best science fiction novellas ever written, and you can thank the writer for all those elements of paranoia and tension that made the film great.
And purely by accident, I ran into a writer who had been working with Oliver on another film.
For everyone involved in the film, including the director, Phyllida Lloyd, and the writer, Abi Morgan, were to be at the dinner too.
Compare the films with the movie scripts. Examine how well the writer of the movie script interprets the film for the director, the cast, and everyone involved to create the movie.
The Ghost Writer may not be a masterpiece, but in its lowering gloom (it rains almost continually) the film has some of the malign atmosphere of Polanski's glory days.
I realised that I, as a writer, was having the rarest film trip: my story was not mangled but enlarged into huge and gripping imagery that rattled minds and squeezed hearts.
According to the Internet Movie Database, she is in pre-production as co-writer and director of a film based on Jessica Shattuck's novel "the Hazards of Good Breeding."
Television and film writer Aaron Sorkin will adapt the novel.
Mamoru Oshii is a Japanese animation and live-action film writer and director famous for his philosophy-oriented storytelling.
The creation of writer Roy Thomas, the homage to Bugs Bunny was featured in the first story arc to come after the adaptation of the film.
Comic book writer Stan Lee, as always, has a cameo in the live-action film of his creation Iron Man.
Jim Gabour is a film producer, writer and director, whose work focuses primarily on music and the diversity of cultures.
This may largely be attributed to co-director and co-writer Jennifer Lee, who is the first female director of a Disney animated feature film.
But Chow, the director, writer and producer of this fantasy film, weaves the theme of environmental protection into this well-worn storyline.
The Snows of Kilimanjaro "is a film shot by 20th Fox Company in 1952, which is re-composed from a short story by the representative writer of" the lost generation "Ernest Hemingway."
A different language is a different vision of life. -federico Fellini, film director and writer (1920-1993).
The film is about a Jewish writer, reporter to resolve the Israeli Palestinian conflict, the establishment of the story of State of Israel running.
The film, which started shooting in last year, is based on a short story by Chinese writer Eileen Chang. The work is now undergoing final editing in New York.
The film is based on the novel of French writer Jean Genet, and the screenplay is written by Fassbinder.
The film is based on the novel of French writer Jean Genet, and the screenplay is written by Fassbinder.