The document Object Model (DOM), is a recognized W3C standard for platform - and language-neutral dynamic access and update of the content, structure, and style of XML documents.
文档对象模型(Document Object Model, DOM)是公认的W3C标准,它被用于与平台及语言无关的XML文档内容、结构和样式的动态访问和更新。
This technique is sufficiently dynamic to reflect to any updates in the XML data provider response; the only required step is uploading a new XSLT file without any code update.
I'll start with an example of an HTML Web page that loads a simple XML mailing list format for dynamic update. The XML to be loaded is shown in Listing 1 (labels.xml).
我将从一个HTMLweb页面示例入手,该页面加载一个简单的xml邮件列表格式用于动态更新,要加载的xml文档如清单1所示(labels . xml)。
I'll start with an example of an HTML Web page that loads a simple XML mailing list format for dynamic update. The XML to be loaded is shown in Listing 1 (labels.xml).
我将从一个HTMLweb页面示例入手,该页面加载一个简单的xml邮件列表格式用于动态更新,要加载的xml文档如清单1所示(labels . xml)。