The forests of British Columbia, Unesco says, are home to more life per square yard than anywhere else on Earth: elk, wolves, hawks, bears… Yet there was barely a bird in the trees.
As far as bird droppings go, they are part of having birds in your yard and your thistle bird feeder guarantees you'll see droppings.
The furniture appeared a little worn. An old pickup truck sat in the garage and a muddy bird dog ran about the yard.
Just before lunch, one of my friend's daughters carried a bird cage out into the yard.
I quickly assessed the yard. Hummingbirds usually need to feed once every ten to 15 minutes, and most of the flowers in my garden were frosted over. This bird would have nothing to eat.
我迅速察看了一下院子,园内的花大部分被霜冻坏,可蜂鸟通常每10 ~15分钟就得进一次食,看来眼前的这只蜂鸟啥吃的都没了。
A dead goose found in the yard of a home for disabled persons in the hill village of Wickersdorf in Thuringia tested positive for the H5N1 strain of bird flu on Friday.
He is besides though a little vain &silly a Bird of Courage and would not hesitate to attack a Grenadier of the British Guards who should presume to invade his Farm Yard with a red Coat on.
火鸡令人敬重,而且是地道的美国土种。他虽然虚荣蠢笨,但具有勇气。有穿红衣的英国侍卫兵胆敢入侵他的农庄,他会毫不犹豫地向他发起进攻。” 下边是富兰克林的原文。
He is besides though a little vain &silly a Bird of Courage and would not hesitate to attack a Grenadier of the British Guards who should presume to invade his Farm Yard with a red Coat on.
火鸡令人敬重,而且是地道的美国土种。他虽然虚荣蠢笨,但具有勇气。有穿红衣的英国侍卫兵胆敢入侵他的农庄,他会毫不犹豫地向他发起进攻。” 下边是富兰克林的原文。