You should allow the good feelings to influence others, not the bad ones, because you are responsible for both.
As the HR manager, you are responsible for investigating the charges.
You are responsible for sustaining well-informed and motivated Rotary clubs.
I've heard that you are responsible for banishing Andariel back to the Burning Hells.
If your wife is trying to describe a hurt that you are responsible for, don't dismiss it.
It is not our place to unduly influence you, as you are responsible for your own choices.
Also, you are responsible for ensuring that others do not copy your work or submit it as their own.
But at the end of the day, you are responsible for doing what's necessary to meet the commitment you've made.
If you are responsible for domain security you need to know what information it is possible to see by default.
If you acknowledge that you are receiving My messages directly, then you are responsible for interpreting them.
We will be responsible for the up keep of the main gardens. You are responsible for the up keep around the house.
Your code will have one key that can see all user's files, so you are responsible for the security between users.
If you are responsible for securing your company's computer environment, it's important you understand how attacks work.
You are responsible for the airplane costs to the US. You are also responsible for the housing and personal expenses.
You must assemble the binaries that are to be deployed from the portfolio of applications that you are responsible for.
You are responsible for setting the tone and preparing your customer for a smooth transfer to an additional specialist.
You are responsible for your own experience. Nobody can tell you if what you're doing is good, meaningful or worthwhile.
If you are responsible for testing, then the developers have no real incentive to ensure they have done the work correctly.
If you finish a transaction, you are responsible for cleaning up any in-doubt transactions on the resource managers affected.
You are responsible for indicating when the user has made a change so that the active transformation configuration can be updated.
You are responsible for ensuring that your use of the Website complies with all laws directly or indirectly applicable to you.
Within this application, you are responsible for error handling in case an error is reported by a transaction branch, for example.
"You are responsible for the delivery of the king's order, not the order of the release!" Vincent is enraged at Frank obstruction.
In addition, if you solicit new distributors, you are responsible for the claims you make about a distributor's earnings potential.
But you are responsible for this particular creation and to that end, your artistic integrity must be at the core of every decision.
If you specify a custom location, you are responsible for cleaning up the directories and copied files when they are no longer needed.
The system provides some help in detecting common gestures such as swipes, but you are responsible for detecting more complex gestures.
The system provides some help in detecting common gestures such as swipes, but you are responsible for detecting more complex gestures.