So let me tell you about one green marketing campaign that failed at first and explain why.
We don't have space to list, nor would you have time to read, every different variant of Coca-Cola and Pepsi, which would force me to include failed ideas such as Crystal Pepsi.
The difference between "What's your weakness"? And "Tell me about a time you failed at something" might not seem like much, but it forces you to give a different kind of answer.
When things go wrong SOA can look you in the eye and with sincerety over the failed relationship say, "Really, its not me, its you."
NLT 1 Kings 19:2 so Jezebel sent this message to Elijah: "May the gods also kill me if by this time tomorrow I have failed to take your life like those whom you killed."
I was pretty fed up when everyone failed to see what we had achieved in Iraq, but an audience with the Pope, who said, "It is you who should be baptising me", soon cheered me up.
I won, you can cheer for me happy, I failed once, you can cry for me it?
Think of what would happen to the base-runner called safe at home-plate who said to the umpire, “Excuse me, sir, but although you missed it, I failed to touch third base.”
Essentially, they're signalling to those around them 'I understand what the social norm is and I understand that you know that I have failed in this regard, so please don't hurt me.'
Fight with me, you failed most of The Times when fighting with me.
If you have seen the marks, please tell me whether I passed or failed; don't me in suspense!
Mundus: You too have failed me, Trish. You know the rules.
Believe me, I understand how you feel. I've been there. It takes me a long time to get over my failed relationship.
Tell me about a time when you followed up with a reluctant prospect and still failed to get the order .
The difference between "What's your weakness" and "Tell me about a time you failed at something" might not seem like much, but it forces you to give a different kind of answer.
First, please allow me to use English to express is the standard after I receive CARDS and I failed the excitement in the first time send blessings to you in sorrow and regret.
But that you helped me, I should have failed.
When I failed, you encouraged me.
I take off this ring because it only reminds me of how I've failed you.
You see, I realize that I have failed as a father if after all these years you feel that you have to lie to me.
A day after we broke up, i lost control, I wanna be hit in the middle of that hightway where you failed to call me back.
I tried to login my account but failed. Can you PLZ help me check it out?
Seeing this, my mother said to me: "Don't worry if you failed. I believe you will get a high mark next time."
Had you not helped me, I should have failed.
It wasn't my fault to meet you, but you failed to cherish me...
It wasn't my fault to meet you, but you failed to cherish me...