Take a break and do something else, then go back to it when you feel refreshed.
Your awareness returns to the room you are in and you feel refreshed and balanced.
The healing currents are also released and in the morning you feel refreshed and rejuvenated.
The healing currents are also released, and in the morning you feel refreshed and rejuvenated.
It's time to visit them, this makes you feel refreshed with the memories of what you were long time ago - happy!
Keeping a secret often isn't fun. Once you finally tell someone your secret, you feel refreshed and renewed. It feels good to come clean.
Guidance is given you while you are asleep, sometimes in a dream. The healing currents are also released, and in the morning you feel refreshed and rejuvenated.
You'll know how much your body needs based on how refreshed you feel when you wake up in the morning.
Because the resistance makes it harder work simply to breathe, your body is half-waking up over and over again during the night, so you don't feel refreshed in the morning.
At that moment, you can continue meditating or pray for additional strength. You'll feel refreshed right after.
When you awaken from REM sleep, you'll feel refreshed and alert.
If you require only 6 hours of sleep to feel refreshed and you want to wake at 5 then try heading to bed at 11:00 and see how you go.
You need time to do something that you enjoy, where you can reenergize and feel refreshed.
Hot tubs and spas are a great way to escape from a hectic day - even if it's just for a half an hour. You will feel refreshed both physically and mentally in minutes.
And when you get back to the task, you will feel more relaxed, refreshed and motivated to continue.
In summer, you will feel refreshed and comfortable with the faint fragrant scent from lotus flowers in the inviting breezes while you stroll along the lake.
You will feel like your holidays lasted as long as they needed to last, leaving you refreshed and ready to deal with whatever problems you need to deal with when you return to China.
I love this speech very much. You will feel refreshed whenever you heard "I have a dream".
If you were climb a mountain and then sit at the top, I think you would feel refreshed in spirit as you looked out at the breathtaking scenery.
Tell yourself that you will feel relaxed and refreshed and will bring that sense of calm with you.
You would feel actually refreshed and rejuvenated after getting cleaned-up, not only physically but also psychologically.
Yes, but it reduces the REM sleep you're getting, which is the most important kind if you want to feel refreshed when you wake up.
If you feel tired, just reverse, close your left nose and breathe through your right nose. After a while, you will feel your mind is refreshed.
So make sure you get in the full 8 hours - your body will feel refreshed, your goals will be accomplished, and you will beat those blues in no time.
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Enjoy a pleasant mint fragrance that entices the most sensitive noses. Feel confident throughout the day as our Mint Julep Deodorant Stick leaves you with a refreshed and comforted feeling.