If you want something, and it's a good thing, and someone gets in your way, you get mad.
Why are you doing this? Even if you get mad with me, you don't have to throw away your fav?
Deciding to get control of your anger - rather than letting it control you - means taking a good hard look at the ways you've been reacting when you get mad.
If you haven't had a vacation for awhile and just can't afford to take that cruise, go camping instead. Maybe the issues are more personal or internal. Do you get mad too easily?
Next time you are impatiently waiting at a traffic light, don't get so mad at them, they've certainly come a long way.
We get mad because we feel that our time is wasted but if you find something important to do then you won't even notice how the time flies.
But I say to you what every warrior has known since the beginning of time: you've got to get mad.
That's because you are wishing that you did not have to be likable and you are mad that people who work less than you do get promoted ahead of you.
Love is when someone hurts you. And you get so mad but you don't yell at them because you know it would hurt their feelings.
"Some people even get mad," he said. "' What do you mean, the Moon isn't the biggest thing in your life?"
You end up mad, and your employees get black eyes because of their mistakes.
Your own tardiness. - Get up 30 minutes earlier so you don't have to rush around like a mad man.
You can’t get mad at the dog for ruining your shoes,it doesn’t know any better.
Trust me on this one: there's not a single hiring manager in the world who wants to hire you but would get mad just because you're considering other offers. It actually works the other way.
“Some people even get mad,” he said. “‘What do you mean, the Moon isn’t the biggest thing in your life?’
"Some people even get mad," he said. "' What do you mean, the Moon isn't the biggest thing in your life?" '?
Of course you do not want to get mad in situations like the one I've described above or when you are stuck in traffic.
Get up 30 minutes earlier so you don't have to rush around like a mad man. That 30 minutes will help you avoid speeding tickets, tardiness, and other unnecessary headaches.
Get up 30 minutes earlier so you don't have to rush around like a mad man. That 30 minutes will help you avoid speeding tickets, tardiness, and other unnecessary headaches.