To relax, there are plenty of opportunities during the day to do this, you don’t need to go on vacation or have an entire afternoon to yourself (while that has its own merits).
关于放松,每天有很多这样的机会你不需要去度假或花上一整个下午 (这样做当然也有其特有的价值).
There was no way to do consumer research on it, so I had to go and create it and then show it to people and say, ‘Now what do you think?
You go to the Magic Kingdom, and the refrain there is “dreams really do come true”.
You can do pushups and crunches right there on the floor next to your desk (or go outside if you’re worried about your coworkers seeing you).
Again, go for the Oscar, get your blood pumping, and know there is nothing you can't do when you believe you have what it takes to get it done.
Q: recently, there is a trend of time travel, and if you got a chance, what time do you mostly wanted to go?
Do not be afraid to go down to Egypt, for I will make you into a great nation there.
But you don't need to go there to take the basic point, which is that it can take more brainpower - and creativity - to properly consume a good book than to do many more overtly "creative" things.
Develop, and teach your children, the ability to do the best you can, accept that there will be times you cannot meet your goal, and go with the flow.
The lines of taxis waiting there are in good order these days and the queuing system quite efficient.However there seems to be no information post to give you any idea of what to do or where to go.
When you find there are some events that fail to arrive at a recipient of events, it's better to go to these two places, do some recover operations, and resubmit the event delivery.
There was nothing I could do until I convinced James to let me go to get you and I promised that if it was the last thing I did, I'd get you out of there.
There is only so long that you can go trying to motivate yourself to do something you don’t like to do, something you don’t want to do.
There is only so long that you can go trying to motivate yourself to do something you don't like to do, something you don't want to do.
Rarely do you get all the family and friends together, so I think it will be great to go through the album when I'm old and senile and see who was there.
We want you to enjoy yourself while you're there eating, but when it's over, you should go. Do you stay in the movie theater after the credits?
At night we must go to sleep knowing that we have done our best, and there is no more you can do than that.
Once you have a new idea, you can go to a particular aspect of specialists to consult, and discuss is not possible, there is no better way to do this.
Fortunately there are so many of you that are sufficiently enlightened, that they do not have to go far to find their answers.
So instead you'd have to maybe if you start with wavelength, go over there, and then figure out velocity and do something more like kinetic energy equals 1/2 n b squared to get there.
Many people often go to a zoo and they like watching the animals there. But how do zoos begin, do you know?
In the industry, there are a lot of things may not arrange for you to do, if we go to active action, you will not only exercise their own work, but also for the future of strength and experience.
Ask if there is anything you can do to help. Find out about local hotlines and drug-abuse counseling and offer to go along with him or her.
"Right," he nodded and continued, "so now I'm asking, do you want to go to the library this afternoon?" he gestured I should continue from there.
The Grand Canyon is an immense steep valley in northwestern Arizona. Do you know what led the first European to go there?
The Grand Canyon is an immense steep valley in northwestern Arizona. Do you know what led the first European to go there?