If you go to the top, passing through forests with wonderful fresh air, you will naturally feel cool and fresh.
I've always wanted to go to Paris. The Eiffel Tower is one of the most famous tourist attractions in the world! Did you go to the top?
When you come in through the entrance of the community centre building, you'll need to go straight up the stairs in front of you, all the way to the top.
If you put a stone in the way of an ant, it will go around, over, under or on top, without stopping, until it finds a way to get where it needs to be.
Sometimes going over the top is good, if you can let yourself go from time to time, people will notice.
The next time you have to build a golden pyramid and don't want to go broke, well, you know where to put the top.
You can't fully manipulate the bottom layer called 'Background', so select this layer, go up to the options at the top of the Layers palette and duplicate the layer.
It's like having a personal shopper give you the top ten suits to choose from instead of having to go to the department store and look at them all yourself.
Having been around the top level of the game for so long, Faye knows full well that if you stop the other team from scoring then you have every chance to go on and take the points.
You can go to the top of this mountain, the Acropolis in Pergamum and the Austrian archeologists are rebuilding all these temples to Trajan and Hadrian on the top of this hill.
So that's really the innovator's dilemma. If you look at a lot of companies what you see is they reached the top and then they are never really able to go further.
Working on a goal can be like climbing a mountain you think if you just keep your head down and go you'll get to the top quicker.
It's important to go to a college that's a good fit for you, even if it's not at the top of a rankings list.
But there will be times when the folks at the top will want-will even need-for you to go along once a decision has been made, even if you don't agree with it.
Because anything after that URL suddenly becomes a new top level section. So you can go to any / and then tack on /issues or maybe /wiki and get the same page, but under a different namespace.
这是因为在这一个URL之后的任何部分都突然变成了一个新的顶层部分,因此你可以去到任何的一个《 user》/《repo》 ,然后加上/issues或者可能是/wiki,取得相同的页面,但是是在不同的命名空间下。
Most of the time the safe pick is to go with SAX, and Android gives you both a traditional way to do SAX and a slick convenience wrapper on top of SAX.
Go to the top of the stored procedure editor and remove the "CURRENT" from the set-schema statement and replace the schema name with the "ASSOC" schema you created at the beginning.
转到存储过程编辑器的顶部,并将“CURRENT”从set -schema语句中移除,将模式名称替换为在开始时创?
You need to go to the kitchen and enjoy one or two foods in the this top 10 food.
Notice that we automatically get a "Hello World home" button at the top that allows us to go back to our home screen. Clicking on "Hello Universe" should get you.
注意,我们会自动地在顶部得到一个“Hello WorldHome”按钮,这样就能让我们返回到主界面上。
5- Once you have installed applications, you will be able to see them inthe launcher: to go back to your Jolicloud launcher, click on the bluehouse icon at the top left corner of your screen.
Now our biggest job is trying to teach you that now you have come to the plasmatic condition of the fields and how easy it will be to go from bottom to top and now you are on the top.
Even if you have to go to the library for the first week or two to get the reading done, make sure you're doing what you can to stay on top of your homework until your books arrive.
But there will be times when the folks at the top will want-will even need-for you to go along once a decision has been made, even if you don't a GREe with it.
Being a dancer is a very competitive business, you have to go for auditions and all this crap so if you're not at the top of the game your out.
Then you can go to the top of Diwang Building. It is the highest landmark in Shenzhen.
Gradually, your elevator trips will be longer, until you can go all the way to the top and back without fear.
Gradually, your elevator trips will be longer, until you can go all the way to the top and back without fear.